the scene in Empire strikes back when they are about to freeze solo and chewbacca flips out and starts tossin peeps.
Film Scenes that got burnt onto your memory
by greendawn 67 Replies latest jw friends
The guy shaving his eyebrows off in, Pink Floyd's: "The Wall"
The blob - When the blob absorbed the auto mechanic under the car
Braveheart - When he got disembowled
clockwork orange
the guys eyes being held open with metal brackets. that's the sole reason for my hesitation for lazer eye surgery.
oh, and
one flew over the cuckoo's nest,
the very last scene.
I hate the damn commercial advertisement for the new version Pride and Prejudice.
I scream at the T.V. everytime it's aired. The line "You've bewitched me body and soul" really pisses me off.
I have no idea why that is.... LOL -
Three scenes from Room with a View.
The First - Of course, the kiss in the field of poppies
The Second - The preacher getting out of the water from his bathe - hysterical
The third - The final scene - Very sexy
Then there was the scene with the incredibly beautiful Italian guy.
I just love that entire movie, I think that it must all be etched
One other, left a terrible impression -
I can't remember the name of the movie, but Liam Neason and Jessica Lange, scottish movie. There was a terrible rape scene in it, Jessica Lange acted it out so well, I was completely shaken for days. Scared the hell out of me. And still can't remember the name of the movie????