i'm a bike courier, and i only go in for grippy pedals. but yes, i have done it, fallen right over back in the clipless days. but i have fallen for dumber reasons. like last night, after work, i went to the pub with a pal. and five pints later, i went out and got on my bike to ride home and i was showing off to my buddy, and for no reason other than i was drunk, i slammed right onto the pavement. dry pavement. lol. i think i was still holding both handle bars with both feet on the pedals when i hit. ha ha! nothing like coming out of a pub to find a guy sprawled on the sidewalk with his bike laughing maniacally and saying: "fuck! and on dry pavement!", "gosh, and you're not even wearing a helmet.", "ahh! helmets are for pussies!! i learned how to fall when i was 6."
it's interesting. i don't crash when i smoke a bowl. i ride a lot freaking slower, that's for sure. but i never crash, ha ha. it's like flying when you're high and riding. i can't even feel the strain in my legs. like riding a silent motor cycle through traffic. but i did lose my bike for about 30 minutes today. i forgot where i put it. and i spent about 20 minutes with the mall security before i remembered that i had left it on the other side of the mall, close to the food court, because of munchies. doh!!
ts (of the 'wobbling home on the cobblestone' class)