I myself am waiting with keen anticipation for Dateline to air. However, being the pessimist that I am, I don't think that it will have that much impact on the majority of JW's.
The reason I say this is because I had a conversation with my mother the other day, who heard that a couple of young sisters were bringing charges against an elder in Kentucky (not sure if she meant criminal or judicial...she's a bit of a ditz and does not always remember her stories). Thinking that this might open up a conversation about pedophilia within the org, I started to bring up that Dateline was going to do a segment on the problem. I didn't get very far because her pre-programmed response was, "Satan sure is working overtime."
I think that will be the common response to the Dateline program, that Satan is working overtime.
As we all know, the WTS is already doing damage control, by stating in the August 2001 KM that "Sometimes the media publish reports about the activities of Jehovah's people. While we appreciate good reports that are factual and fair in dealing with our work, we also expect bad reports to be spread by our detractors from time to time. Nevertheless, we must continue recommending ourselves as God's ministers "through bad report and good report." To honesthearted observers it becomes clear that we are the true disciples of Jesus Christ."
They are getting the R&F ready so that when Dateline does air, the majority will consider it bad reporting. Living deep in the time of the end, they will expect it as part of the persecution they have been told about for 100+ years.
But, (there's always a but) I do think that a small few, especially victims who have experienced being molested/raped by another witness and then getting molested/raped again by the judicial committee will have their horrible ordeal validated and perhaps find some closure. If they can even get a shread of peace, it will be worth it.
I truly hope the bad publicity will open the eyes of the witnesses, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero