What other religions do not teach the trinity?
by MissBehave 18 Replies latest jw friends
Dianic Wicca!
Christadelphians, I think. Oh, and Jehovahs Witnesses. Who were you thinking of?
Pete -
I could be mistaken but I was under the impression that Unitarian churches don't believe in the trinity...? EDITED TO ADD.... I did a wikipedia search on Unitarian and got this...
Historic Unitarianism believed in the oneness of God as opposed to traditional Christian belief in the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Historic Unitarians believed in the moral authority, but not the deity, of Jesus. Unitarians are characterized by some as being identified through history as free thinkers and dissenters, evolving their beliefs in the direction of rationalism and humanism. Throughout the world, many Unitarian congregations and associations belong to the International Council of Unitarians and Universalists. In the United States many Unitarians are Unitarian Universalist or UU, reflecting an institutional consolidation between Unitarianism and Universalism. Today, most Unitarian Universalists do not consider themselves Christians, even if they share some beliefs quite similar to those of mainstream Christians.[1] There is a small percentage of UUs who maintain a Christian centric belief system, see Unitarian Christians.
You are very correct, Ms. Peaches, I have been to their services several times and can attest to that.
I've had a very quick look at Unitarian websites and the whole concept seems very interesting actually.... What were the services like Sherry?
Um, the Jews? I'm pretty sure they don't teach the Trinity.
Dianic Wicca!
Or am I mistaken?
Bible Students don't believe in the Trinity
Ipsec you are correct and incorrect at the same time! Maiden Mother Crone are different aspects of the goddess, true, but it isn't taught as being three in one as the trinity is. We women all reflect those same aspects in our lifetime (some skip the mother part, but it represents the adult womanhood of childbearing age), and I'm pretty sure I as a woman am not a trinity.
Wicca is more of a dual religion, the god and the goddess, and Dianic Wicca celebrates the divine feminine and in that, those three periods of a woman's life. Interestingly (or not if you don't care about the subject) in old times where the goddess was the divine, old women (crones) were highly respected as wise-women. But that was prior to the burning times.