I just saw this on the Discovery Channel...they commented that the glaciers would have pushed the ark to the bottom of the glacier and ground it into small pieces.
by Jourles 40 Replies latest social current
I just saw this on the Discovery Channel...they commented that the glaciers would have pushed the ark to the bottom of the glacier and ground it into small pieces.
Rather than speculating, why don't believers just go there and dig it up? How hard can it be? If elephants could have made the 15,300 foot descent from there it should be easy for a team of specialists to go up and investigate.
Or do they just like to hear themselves?
But I am still curious to know whether people who firmly believe that the ark was a fairy tale would accept an authentic finding or would go on with their lives telling themselves that it still does not exist? *fingers in ears saying LALALALALALALALA*
That's a bit like asking what if we found Aladdin's lamp - would we then start believing in genies? Well yes, of course we would if there was sufficient evidence, but most people would consider such a happening very unlikely, and with good reason. I don't have to perform any mental gymnastics to not believe in Noah's ark or Aladdin's lamp - such things are artifacts of fiction and there is no reason to believe in the existence of either of them. The question should be why some people are so desperate to find proof of something they already believe that they will eagerly accept the flimsiest suggestions of supportings evidence.
The myth of the finding of Noah's Ark has been going since the 1970's.
Get over it! There is no ark to be found....if there was, it would have been found by now.
Great point FD
The question should be why some people are so desperate to find proof of something they already believe that they will eagerly accept the flimsiest suggestions of supportings evidence.
As I already said, I'm neither for nor against the possibility of finding the ark. And I wasn't really looking for opinions on whether or not if YOU believed it existed. What I was interested in was if it did exist and was eventually proven to be Noah's Ark, how would that affect YOUR attitude towards the bible/christians/believers/etc/etc?
To me, if it existed, it would be pretty cool. I've always been interested in archaeology and a find of this magnitude would be amazing. The same would be if the Ark of the Covenant was found, a la Indiana Jones. But either way, it wouldn't shake my beliefs or cause me to adjust my thinking. It it exists, it exists. If it doesn't, it doesn't. But so far, I can tell that a few of you would be hard pressed for answers if it truly did exist. Oh, and I do like rocking the boat on occasion - I feel somewhat frisky today.
Next thing ya know someone will claim to have found Jack's fossilized giant bean stalk.
I think it would be kinda neat if they did find it.
Oh, and a big part of the problem in finding "conclusive" evidence of the ark, either for or against, is partly due to the Turkish goverment's refusal to distribute research visas. And, not to mention that Mt. Ararat is part of a military zone. Besides, would a country with a Muslim population of 99% really want a Christian relic unearthed? If I were them, I wouldn't.
If they found it, how would we know it's the real Mccoy?