Through various contacts, I heard this was said by a good Bethelite at a local hall dedication. (I won't quote what was said... I don't want to give away my source.)
Plans are being made to attend the Deliverance Convention in July. The Bethelite then says that the they may not make it until then, that the "end of this system" is so close.
He then hedges that with the caveat that it may, in fact, not end before the Convention, but to just keep in mind that it is "so close".
So close!! SO CLOSE??!! This just sort of got my ire today. I was told this same crap when I was 4 years old. Nearly 30 years later, here we still sit. And I know people a bit farther along in age were told that many years before I was born. Just... makes me ill... and angry...
I can just imagine this little bit of gossip being passed along with such excitement!