The Harp of God - Proof Conclusive That Millions Now Living Will Never Die

by VM44 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • VM44

    The Harp of God, Proof Conclusive That Millions Now Living Will Never Die

    "A text-book for Bible study specially adapted for use of beginners; with numerous questions and Scripture citations.'"

    by J.F. Rutherford, 1921

    Brooklyn, New York: International Bible Students Association, People's Pulpit Association 1921

    NOTE ADDED IN YEAR 2006: Something is wrong with Rutherford's "Conclusive Proof"


  • VM44

    Albert D. Schroeder was 10 years old in 1921 when this editon of "The Harp of God" was published.

    "Conclusive Proof that Millions Now Living Will Never Die"?

    Albert Schroeder died today at age 94!

    and Rutherford died in 1942!

    So much for the "Conclusive Proof"

    But then, how can one hold a dead person accountable for lies he told while alive? And almost everyone who believed what "The Harp of God" promised are gone, so what does it matter?

    The Jehovah's Witnesses religion is only a religion for the (currently) living!

    The "Harp of God" book served its purpose, to increase the membership and get people to become followers of Rutherford.

    The same thing is going on today with The Watchtower publications.


  • VM44

    One more point, when the Awake and Watchtower today magazines mention Rutherford's talk from the 1920s in which he makes his famous statement, the magazines give the title as "Millions Now Living MAY Never Die!", which was the title for an earlier version, but was soon changed to the more forceful "WILL NEVER DIE" for later talks and books.

    Just can't tell the whole truth, can they? Just smooth over all the incriminating historical evidence.


  • VM44

    What the The Watchtower has taught and published since its beginnings has just been one huge colossal JOKE!

    And it isn't even funny!


  • prophecor

    Not a snowballs chance in Hell that they got even some of it right?

  • Buster

    They used that same "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" as a theme for one of those monster conventions back then.


    They still claim that that convention was one of Revelation's trumpet blasts (Revelation climax book)

    So, they claim that Joe Hoba fulfills prophecy with false prophecy. That is an important fact that they cannot dodge with the New Light doctrine. (Though I don't have any delusions that a dutiful dubbie would see it that way.)

  • VM44

    "Not a snowballs chance in Hell that they got even some of it right?"

    Nope, not at all.


  • VM44

    The test of "The Harp of God" book is available online as part of Gutenberg Project of making books available online.

    I do not have the link right now, but should be easy to find using Google.


  • prophecor

    And now, off to Google Mania

  • OpenFireGlass

    What page?... I have that book right here in front of me....

    THANKS, Mike

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