Various posters have mentioned how get-togethers and fun times socializing were frowned upon and discouraged somewhere around the early 80's. Everything changed, as far as the picnics, the dinner parties, etc. I vaguely recall some connection being made to parties and increased "immorality." It seemed a more somber, all work and no fun mood took over. Since the early 80's are when I began my fade, can anyone relate whether the change in the atmosphere was due to new light in some new publication, or changes in official policy from Mother, since this doesn't seem limited to any one area.
What happened in the 80's?
by Virgochik 39 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Virgochik,
Yep. You're right w/your observation. They discouraged cong. sanctioned get togethers because then the cong. would be responsible if there was any wrong doing. Isn't that absurd??? When does personal responsibility take affect??
In the 70's we had cong. picnics, parties at a rented place, etc. There was some hanky panky going on, nothing serious, but for the most part it was just "friends" having fun. Then---- they said that an elder would have to step up to the plate and be responsible for what went on. During that time you would see Bro. Elder and his hitmen observing everything including the bathroom doors and outside. They were quite busy.
Then it went from that situation to NO cong. sanctioned get togethers. You could have bros. and sisters over to your house or you could plan a public thing, but you personally would be held responsible for any trouble including serious things.
By then, people had others to their homes and kept it a size that they could control.
So instead of "personal accountability" being true, they beat us over the head w/the fear of our good name being ruined for not being responsible for keeping people out of trouble.
Juni (Aquariuschik)
Yeah, it seemed like there was a lot more socializing in the early eighties and it died down to nothing shortly after I got baptised in 1984. Then there were still some social functions, you just had to belong to a clique to get invited.
There used to be skating parties around the early to mid 80s until they thought it was a bad idea to have a large crowd to where they thought things would get out of hand. There were even people in my congregation calling up the society asking if it would be appropriate to attend large wedding receptions.
Yes, Juni, I do remember towards the end, some stern lectures about how these gatherings needed supervision and chaparones, bla-bla, along with watching closely who got invited. I thought something specific had happened in our congo.So, they eventually killed off all the fun everywhere, huh? I fondly remember fried chicken, punch, potato salad and horse shoes in the county or city park, some ball throwing, etc. Also, occasionally a hall would be rented for large congregation potlucks. And then there were the roller skating parties, they were a fun relief from all the Bible study! All a thing of the past, it sounds like! Those things created stronger bonds and friendships than a boatload of boring Watchtower studies, INMO!
I had forgot about the skating parties. Yep. Horseshoes, baseball, volleyball in the parks w/delicious pot luck meals. I guess having fun is not allowed. Society was always expecting the worst. So do away with it all.
And I agree with you Virgochik. That's what helped to keep that brotherly love going. Then it just became all formal - only theocratic talk at the Hall ( though I know most ignored that ) and like (I forget who said this) only if you were a member of a clique were you invited to a home.
All of this so unChrist-like. If Christ were at the receptions of JW today he would be ordered to the "war room" immediately for turning good water into fine wine! And heaven help you if you don't play Kingdom music at your reception. I'm exaggerating, but that too could be a matter of counsel. MONY, MONY !! If you shook your booty, even a little, the eyebrows would go up and "sister, are you on the same spiritual level that we are? I question your spirituality." THESE ARE ACTUAL HAPPENINGS AND WORDS.
The 80's marked the time when they got out of the trusting mode and got into the controlling mode in a big way.
No more parties and no more events not tightly controlled by elders. If I recall correctly this was also the time when they urged that a man and a woman should never be alone together. It might lead to hanky-panky. This included those who were members of your family through in-laws. What a paranoid bunch of A** H**LES
The 80's marked the time when they got out of the trusting mode and got into the controlling mode in a big way.
No more parties and no more events not tightly controlled by elders. If I recall correctly this was also the time when they urged that a man and a woman should never be alone together. It might lead to hanky-panky. This included those who were members of your family through in-laws. What a paranoid bunch of A** H**LES
You're right on Poztate. Your term "hanky panky"- I used the same expression and thought later that this probably ages me! In our super over-righteous congo, the girls and guys were not to sit together for lunch at assemblies. What a crock!
And Swalker - BIG HAIR for the sisters and mullocks (sp?) for the guys. And Reaganomics. Did you make a fortune then? Love your doggie pic. Though I've already told you this.
one thing that happened was the counsel to " make sure those you invite are active and make the congregation average" if your hours were low you were OUT. no invite for you.