I am going to try this on my legs. Has anyone, or does anyone get their legs waxed? How bad does it hurt?
by Lo-ru-hamah 29 Replies latest jw friends
Well, it's pulling out hairs enmass. The first time you wax is the worst. The nerve endings get kind of desensitized after a while. Just think back to when you first started plucking your eyebrows.
Sad emo
Hope this article is helpful, I just pasted the main bit but there's loads of other info on the page.
When wax is warm, it enters the follicle, allowing the hair to be pulled out from the root. Hair grows back in 3 to 6 weeks. The disadvantage to waxing is that it can be painful for those with sensitive skin. And hair must grow back by 1cm before waxing again (this takes up to six weeks).
What should you expect when waxing for the first time? First, a special preconditioning lotion for waxing (regular lotions and creams make the wax slip from the hair) is applied. Then hot wax is poured onto the skin and covered with strips of cloth. Once the wax hardens around each strand of hair, the cloth is quickly pulled off. Your skin should be pulled taut in the opposite direction from the way the strip will be removed.
The best antidote to the pain of waxing is to try to relax. According to many beauty practitioners, when a client is tense, the follicle closes and the wax doesn't reach the root of the hair. Immediately after waxing, apply gentle pressure to the area with your hands; icing the area also can help ease the pain. The more often you get a wax treatment, the more accustomed you'll grow to the experience.
Ummmmm.....I recommend 'waxing' for other, um, areas too.
Yeah, the other areas are not a problem. Though as yet I haven't tried, ahem, Brazilian. Thinking I might try it with the same appointment as the legs. Little chicken though.
I tried a bikini line wax once and left after the first 2 strips. It was horrible -red little bumps popped up right after the strip came off and only about 30% of the hairs came out as well. The lady was going to continue but I was like, uhh, is it all going to be like this?
They didn't charge me. -
1 of 2 possibilities.
1. she didn't know what she was doing
2. the hair was too long or not long enough. Refer to point 1.
Perfect length is 1/4 inch.
Try Sugaring I am qualified at it. It is less painful, breaks less hairs and actually deminishes the hair growth. Legs I find the most painful, but I do suffer myself with very sensitive skin. The other thing is to take some paracetomol before going which will take the edge of the pain.
Also you are more suseptable to ingrown hairs as the hairs are more puny after waxing/Sugaring so use Tea Tree Oil to prevent this, this will disolve any dead skin over a hair and stop red boils from developing as it is an anticeptic (not to use if you are pregnant though) and ALWAYS MOISTURISE this will stop your next treatment from being so painful as you will not pull the skin as well as hairs.
And finally the therapist should use talc as this stops the product pulling at your skin and only your hairs.
Good luck......
Had a brazil wax done. First time hurts a bit, not that much though. It does get easier and its heaps better.....wink, wink. Never tried sugaring no-one does it around here.
If you like torture, go ahead..........be my guest. Just make sure all the windows are closed so that the neighbours can't hear you scream.