just checking if anyone in here is from Ukiah. I'm still hopefull about getting to talk to someone I knew while IN the "truth" who is now out-n-free...
I lived there 1976 (birth) to 1997- and I am really curious what folks (if any) ESCAPED from the JWs in that neck o the woods.
I was in the West Congregation but knew lots of people in the East (the "cool" congregation ha ha- the witnesses there were viewed by us westerners as clique-y and snobbish, yes, lame, I know) and also Redwood Valley.
I still go back there to visit my family every year at least, and to see friends from high school and JWs that are still my friends (2 of em!)
Give me a heads up if you are/were...
Thank you thank you thank you!
Anyone from UKIAH, CA???
by Kudra 28 Replies latest jw friends
Uh.... Ukiah? What?
oh and maybe pm me if you respond cause I'll be out of town for a week and this topic will probably get lost...
Goin' to Phoenix AZ for spring break! for spring training(baseball)- not my idea but I love hanging out with my friends, it doesn't matter where! -
Haven't heard of Ukiah!?!
Well, it is 2 hrs north of San Francisco.
ALSO, in the movie "Dragnet", Dan Akroyd (I think) refered to someone who sorta disappeared or something as "Bought a goat farm in Ukiah, California." -
I just sent you a PM.
I always thought the west side was the cool one.
well that's why i put it in quotes...
they were tooo cool...
spectre did you get my pm? -
Lived there, now out, parents still attend... at least, if they are still kicking... I have no idea...
hey jeannie-
we talked a little before- i think you were from R.V? -
Yup. I'm surprised at how many people I grew up with that consequently left but never ended up here. I've tried to locate people from Ukiah and RV before, but it seems that most just walked away and never bothered to really look into why they left. Deplorable lack of curiosity... lol