Can you advise the WTS on what to do about travelling overseers?

by ozziepost 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ozziepost

    Yep, metatron's thread got me thinking.

    It goes like this. Let's apply some lateral thinking to this situation. Why should there be CO/DOs anyway? Ever thought of that? Could the Organisation™ run without them? Possibly.

    Yet we know they are part of the control mechanism,.

    Still, is there another way the WTS could manage things? After all, the "wicked' churches manage without travelling overseers, so why not "Jehovah's Witnesses™" ?

    The churches have their bishops who live a 'normal' life in one location and supervise an area - why not the dubs? Ever thought of that?

    And why do they have to rotate them every two years or so? Sure, there are reasons but is it really essential?

    Fascinating, isn't it?

  • Honesty

    If the WTS did away with the CO/DO 'arrangement' who would 'encourage' the brothers?

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll
    Why should there be CO/DOs anyway? Ever thought of that? Could the Organisation™ run without them? Possibly.

    They're there because early christian congregations had them, Paul being the most famous. Thats the official wts line anyway

  • unclebruce

    Why should there be CO/DOs anyway? Ever thought of that? Could the Organisation™ run without them? Possibly.

    Yet we know they are part of the control mechanism,.

    Still, is there another way the WTS could manage things? After all, the "wicked' churches manage without travelling overseers, so why not "Jehovah's Witnesses™" ?

    The churches have their bishops who live a 'normal' life in one location and supervise an area - why not the dubs? Ever thought of that? And why do they have to rotate them every two years or so? Sure, there are reasons but is it really essential?

    Each circuit has about 20 congregations and two assemblies are held anually. Why not make it 25 congregations and three assemblies. I mean why push CO's to the edge when with a little extra effort we could send them right off. Is there still a sugestion box at Bethel or have they hid it under woodies desk.

  • ballistic

    It's all part of the pyramidology. silly.

  • jgnat

    The early church had circuit overseers? Like Paul? I am pretty sure he saw himself as an evangelist, and left the local congregations alone to run their affairs (aside from a rebuke here or there). His letters are appeals. Which means he had to be a pretty decent visionary and preacher to convince the congregations to listen to him. He had no power to replace or discipline elders, other than fire from heaven. I doubt that he covered the accounts when he sat down with the local leaders.

    The constant rotation, of course, is to keep that group as unbalanced as the regular publishers, and headquarters firmly in charge. They are so busy doing "works", they have no time to consider if their works have any value.

    I want to know:

    Can CO's retire? Where would they go?

    Does a CO's wife have girlfriends she can talk to?

  • ozziepost
    early christian congregations had them, Paul being the most famous

    Like you say, that's what the WTS says but is it the truth?

    Was Paul a CO? jgnat thinks not, neither do I. So what do the scriptures say? No, not whhat does the Watchtower say, what do the scriptures say? Is there any statement that Paul was a CO?

    Well, is there?

  • dozy

    The structure in the 1st Century was broadly like the JWs today - Revelation implies a circuit (of sorts) in Asia Minor. Incidentally , the CO has no power to replace or discipline elders (although he may have an input) - this is organised centrally. Paul seemed to be quite hands-on & asked Titus & Timothy to make appointments of elders in congregations - I suppose these are more of an equivalent today - Paul was more of a pioneer in the sense that he started congregations & focused on evangelising.

    Most COs seem to retire in their 60's - it is a hard life on the road and there always seems to be aged parents to care for. They are looked after - there is usually a KH flat available if they don't have any arrangements. As far as CO's wives are concerned , they always seem to have a wide circle of friends - both in their "home" area (where their accommodation is) & amongst the brothers in general.

  • HoChiMin
    Incidentally , the CO has no power to replace or discipline elders (although he may have an input)


    The (co) can and does remove elders at any time he sees fit. He is the direct link to the service desk in NY and most of the time without question his recommendations are approved with the old green pencil mark.

    I understand why you try to paint a rosy and reasonable picture of the WT but they are far from reasonable.


  • jgnat

    Would a CO who says, "I quit" be given any sort of severance package? Would he have any assets (such as a home) to help him rebuild his life?

    It seems that the itinerant lifestyle (two year cycle) would make it very difficult to maintain long-term relationships. Also, with anyone in a position of power, friends have to be chosen carefully, so that intimate information is not misused and there is not appearance of favoritism.

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