Hey! I'm the Queen of the speedy verse checker game! I didn't learn it at the KH though. Evangelicals love doing this, too. My trick is to scribble the verse down quick and THEN look it up. I rarely get lost. My speedy reference skills come in handy here on JWD. Google is my best friend.
Blank notebook and pencil. My mind is still my own and I allow it to wander where it will. Besides, absently shuffling to the "right" page of the WT allows me to subtly broadcast the value I put on that publication.
Here's a variation of bible tradesies. Arrive early and put random spare publications on the best aisle seats. By the way, Evangelicals have a larger variety of ego-bibles to choose from than the JW's. Usually a two-pound leather bound monster with the proud owner's name embossed in gold and a hand quilted protective cover.
Wink at babies. I've distracted more than one fussy baby and saved it an unpleasant trip to the back room.
Wandering hands. This works great on JW hubby.
Another I dearly want to try; candy canes at Christmas, candy hearts on Valentines, and easter eggs at Memorial. Leave them in the nooks and crannies for eager children and cranky elders to find.