Or was it all bull?
Is There ANYTHING That You Still Believe From The Witnesses?
by minimus 48 Replies latest jw friends
I still haven't gone out and murdered anyone. Otherwise, can't think of anything.
I believe in everything they teach and do, but only to a certain extent.
Everything???? How is that possible?
But only to a certain extent....like 2 or 3%
So, if they say to go to 5 meetings, it means 2 or 3% of that....
Get it...
What about prophecies, dates, the great crowd, the FDS??
I don't believe in much of that anymore Minimus. It faded away.
As far as dates, they are wrong. Jesus said no one knew when the end would come.
As for treating people in the Org, they are a cult.
I just believe that God and Jesus are 2 distinct persons.
I still believe in a kingdom to come, on earth and heven.
I believe in the resurrection on earth.
Thats about it
I believe that "bad associations spoil useful habits". That's why I stay away from the kingdom hall.
I still don't believe in hell, I don't believe in the trinity, and I still don't believe in immortality of the soul. Sounds like I still have all the Witness core beliefs. Of course my dead neighbor doesn't believe in hell, trinity, or immortality.
I believe the core doctrines. No trinity, burning hell, immortal soul, etc... What I don't believe in is the organization, this being based on personal experience and knowledge gained about its' history and actions.