While at it you can include a timely copy of the following:
Many encyclopedias repeat the speculation of "the Venerable Bede," an 8th Century scholar, that Easter may come from the name of the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eastre, although the Latin "Hebdonada Alba” (White Week) was a spring week when people wore white to be baptized as Christians and its name was mistranslated as Eostarum which became Easter.
Also the Anglo-Saxon word "eastre" means easterly or eastern, a reminder Christianity entered Germany and England from the east or Middle East, and the Bible speaks of Christ coming from the east to resurrect people.
When Christianity reached Germany in the 1500s, eggs and rabbits were used as symbols of the resurrection hope of new life, rabbits famed for bearing new life in spring and appearing first here remindful of how Christ appeared various places after resurrected.
Colossians 2:16 says “Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day” so although a few don’t celebrate Easter, these reasons are why the vast majority do and, as seen, with full scriptural approval.
Knowing these things also gives Christians the joy of sharing the information with non-Christians so that they can know when about to die that because of Christ they too have the hope being resurrected to be with their loved ones again.
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