G ’ day all! Owyergoin?
So how ’ s your weekend going? Managing to get away from the grind? I hear that snow was in blizzard proportions around where Country Woman is yesterday
Here in NSW this weekend ’ s put on a real scorcher – even though we ’ re deep into autumn it ’ s still a hot one!
Anyway, time to take some time out and join with other pollsters – let ’ s reminisce and muse together.
This weekend ’ s poll question is:
What scares you?
(Select from one of the list below.)
- Using up your posting limit!
- A knock at the door.
- Giving a #4 talk.
- A meeting in the back-room with the elders.
- The death of a partner.
- Getting into a debate with UB and old Grumbly.
- Getting to the airport and realising I'd left my passport at home.
- Meeting UB and finding out he really does love Think.
- Finding out the Borg was right all along.
- The big "C".
- George Dubya staying in office.
- Discovering that Osama bin Laden was living next door.
- North Korea beating the USA at basketball.
- The WTS saying they're sorry!
- Other (please detail)
There ya go, folks, now what do you think?
Oh, and don't forget....
Cheers, Ozzie