I went and saw this yesterday evening. I normally don't like horror movies... I usually find them to be stupid because the "scary" moments are always just moments when the movie makes a loud noise while flashing a quick distorted image.
As I said before, I normally don't go see horror moves, but the previews for this one caught my attention so I thought I'd spend $5.50 on a matinee.
The movie did start out like I suspected... the victims first started making some spectacularly stupid decisions and then the "scary" parts were nothing but sudden loud noises accompanied by a distorted image that was flashed for a fraction of a second... but then it changed!
The mutated people left behind by the nuclear tests started doing some seriously fcked up sht!
Unfortunately I did not get to see the end because I got a call to let me know it was time to go meet up with some friends.
Anyone want to let me know what happened? I had to leave at the point when the geeky guy was being chased around the kitchen by an axe wielding mutant.