Some say, "When the end comes, it comes" speaking of Armageddon.
Well, duh! The Watchtower themselves created a FALSE sense of urgency with the now-abandoned teaching that many who saw the year 1914 would also see the end.
When they changed the "generation" doctrine in 1995, the doctrine became "whenever the end comes, THAT is the generation Jesus was talking about". So they're now blaming their followers for following their "whenever it comes, it comes" idea????
Appointed men what can we do to maintain a sense of urgency? Preaching the good news zealously will help us keep a sense of urgency.
In other words, if you go out and SAY it often enough, you'll still believe it. Obviously the WT society's command to carry on the door-to-door literature distribution work is all about keeping their people on a treadmill more than it is about convincing others that the end is near.