Unclebruce made a posting in this thread http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/109480/1.ashx in which he made the following quotes from the Reasoning book and the Watchtower concerning the obsolete teaching of the separation of the sheep and goats.
I went to look these quotes up in the 2005 WTCD library, and guess what? THEY ARE NOT TO BE FOUND!!!"The judgement and separation work by Jesus was proof of his presence since 1914." Reasoning from the Scriptures™ 1989 p. 344.
"The time came when angels also got involved in the separation work ." Watchtower™ 1992 June 15 p. 20
"Separation of sheep and goats is a glorious fulfilment of the prophecy of Matthew 25:31-33." Watchtower™ 1993 January 1 p. 19.
They have been removed! The Watchtower does not want it known that this doctrine was taught as TRUTH up to the year 1995 and so has systematically removed mention of it in the 2005 CD!
And of course, no mention of this deletion!
How very 1984-ish of the Watchtower.
Please check for yourself if you have the 2005 CD, verification of these changes is welcomed, because this is a very important recent example of how the Watchtower covers up it changes in doctrine.