I was thinking today about the JW vision of "paradise on earth," and I realized that their vision is actually Hell. Who would want to spend 1000 years living with lions, picking berries, hanging out with other JWs, and not being able to have sex? That's not paradise, that's Hell!
JW's do believe in Hell
by jstalin 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
And, if my JW husband is up on current light, they get to study MORE until all their brains come under perfect alignment. AAAAAAAAAA
Who would want to spend 1000 years living with lions, picking berries, hanging out with other JWs, and not being able to have sex?
I'm not sure what you meant by dubs not having sex. Dubs believe there will be sex in the new order as long as you live through the battle of armageddon and are not one of the resurrected ones who cannot marry.
And, if my JW husband is up on current light, they get to study MORE until all their brains come under perfect alignment.
Dantes inferno, symbolic as it was, has nothing on the watchtower vision of paradise .. a world of smart casual dress with not a wild beast in sight, fresh fruit platters to time indefinite and all brains in perfect alignment ..lol .. leo is thinking "sheep for brains"
And, if my JW husband is up on current light, they get to study MORE until all their brains come under perfect alignment.
That's right. Can't forget those "new scrolls", eh?
Who would want to spend 1000 years living with lions, picking berries, hanging out with other JWs, and not being able to have sex?
Out of all the things mentioned here, I think "hanging out with other JWs" is the worst.
Dear brother Gumby,
You must have been to a different Kingdom Hall™ to me. I was under the strong impression that after jesus and the 144,000™ other imaginary sky lords golden rain on us for 1,000 years™ there will be no more need for sex. We'll have a thousand years to go for it and fill the earth and that's it. The sexual function with all its attendant problems will be gone .. you will no longer think of women in that way, your willy will shrivel up and you will pee sitting down to time indefinite baaaaa
your willy will shrivel up and you will pee sitting down to time indefinite baaaaa
Yes, and public restrooms will have complimentary Awake magazines available for your reading pleasure.
Yes, and public restrooms will have complimentary Awake magazines available for your reading pleasure.
Hey W, is they the same as AWAKE!™ magazines?We had a lot of old faithfulls in prospect congregation™. John Stone and his wife never had kids because Armageddon™ was forever 'just arround the corner™'. I knew John was a real tightarse by the way he sliced bread (thin as.. and impossible to butter - must have been a scot) but I was shocked when I first used his dunny - strips of AWAKE!™ were all that he used (never the Watchtower but!)
AWAKE!™ with staples, unc ==
EDIT: To add ™'s -
Pretty good trade, I say - do what they say and make this life ( the only one you know for sure you are going to have ) a living hell.
Your reward? Kind of like an earthwide Gitmo Bay without the guard dogs.
" The sexual function with all its attendant problems will be gone .. you will no longer think of women in that way, your willy will shrivel up and you will pee sitting down to time indefinite baaaaa"
Then surely it will be a paradise..Women will never again have to complain loudly about a toilet seat being left up and men will have peace.