The false pride of a "Window Washer"

by LDH 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    Back when my sister and I were regular pioneers in the late 80's, there were many things that caught my ear. I don't usually make an effort to remember them, but I did yesterday.

    I was sitting at a red light yesterday. I happened to look to the right and I saw a middle aged black man washing the windows at the strip mall........

    Ken and Debbie McCarthy were two Regular Pioneers in our congregation. They absolutely LOVED the life of denial they led as pioneers, and truth be told, back then it was not uncommon to aspire to be like them. Some examples:

    They lived in a basement apartment that was about 500 square feet. The living room doubled as a bedroom, with a pull out sofa bed. My walk in closet is bigger than their kitchen. For this privilege, they paid $150 a month. (It would have been a great bargain for a college student!) This, along with the fact that they drove a late model sedan (perfect for FS--back when gas was cheap) meant that they really didn't have a lot of expenses.

    It was not uncommon to see Debbie walking to the store for groceries and wheeling them home. (Kill two birds with one stone, exercise and shop!)

    They were window washers, and they did this together. They had quite a cute relationship and never seemed to tire of each other's company.

    One day I was complaining about my night gig--((my sister and I cleaned bathrooms at the Miller Bottling Company in Auburn NY. Elder Jim Smith had (has) a business called Pro-clean. He employed most of the pioneers and paid us around $8 an hour, if I remember. Always very fair with that. I just hated the work. Two gorgeous young 'sisters' in a factory with 90% red-blooded men was not a good mix. They were gross.))

    Ken reminded me that we were practicing for the new system. Yes, it provided a fine witness to those who observed us that, truly, Jehovah loves a clean people. Ken absolutely LOVED a clean window. This was an extension of his ministry!!! and the worldly people looking on were receiving a fine witness! He was proud to serve Jehovah in this capacity. Also, he said, his talent would be in great demand in the New System.

    At the time it sounded good. But yesterday when I saw the dude cleaning windows, my first thought was, what in the hell is a middle aged man doing washing windows? The answer? Clearly he isn't qualified for anything else.

    I wonder if he thought he was also giving a fine witness, 18 years later?


    Windex once a year'll do it Class

  • gumby
    yesterday when I saw the dude cleaning windows, my first thought was, what in the hell is a middle aged man doing washing windows? The answer? Clearly he isn't qualified for anything else.

    That's funny, cuz yesterday I was thinkin bout if a janitorial job might be good job for me to get off my knees( I'm a floorcovering installer ya sick minded bastards!)

    I remember a brother getting 1800 bucks a month for just one account that took him about 3 hours a night......but it was 7 nights a week. I wouldn't mind it if it was just vacuming/mopping/ dumpin trash, cleaning the bathroom mirrors.

    I'd prolly hire a guy like unclebruce to scrub out the shitters though.


  • Dismembered

    Hi LDH

    It is amazing how many still, to this day do the janitorial thing. Some of the ones I know have been doing it for 25-30 years. I tried doing that myself back in the early 80's. How unfulfilling it was for me @ the time. You'd think that by now they'd want to shift gears and do something else. But no, they continue to stick with it, largely in part because they know nothing else.


  • jambon1

    I do this sort of work. £25 an hour, I work 35 hours per week. Its not a bad way to earn a living actually.

  • LDH
    And most importantly, is it really a "witness" to onlookers in front of the Most High God TM . Of course not. It's just a job.


    Thx. I too, did cleaning for many years and I didn't make 'bad' money, either. But the crux of the issue is right above your name.

    This isn't a thread about whether 'cleaners' are gainfully employed.


  • jambon1
    This isn't a thread about whether 'cleaners' are gainfully employed.

    Sure, I understand.

    It seems the guy feels he was 'chosen' into the profession to give some sort of witness. - I agree, flawed thinking.

    I actually know a few elders who are on a bit and they seem to resent those who go to uni. I think they have genuinely felt that they gave it all up for good reason when they were young. However, the promised reward has`nt came and I think they are looking back thinking "I could have been something in life" or at least, done a better job for the past 40 years.

    Shame I suppose.


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    I do this sort of work. £25 an hour, I work 35 hours per week. Its not a bad way to earn a living actually.

    *runs off to purchase buckets, scrims and ladders*

    No, hold on the ladders, I'm scared of heights....

    Seriously, I think you can be proud of whatever work you do, and if you want, you can believe that it's your 'calling' from a higher power - so if you feel you're called to do a certain job, then you believe that you're serving the one who called you - so yes you're giving a 'witness' by what you do - whether that's obvious to onlookers is another question.

  • LDH
    so yes you're giving a 'witness' by what you do - whether that's obvious to onlookers is another question.

    Sad emo, that's exactly the point I was trying to get across. Thanks!

    Except for me, nobody else was even looking at this dude. They were just getting on with life. Perhaps he is the best window washer in town. Either way, I doubt anyone was inspired to go to church with him because of the fine job of window cleaning he does. At least, I didn't notice anyone pulling over to speak with him about how inspiring his window washing was!

  • whatistruth

    It's people like LDH that make this world a disgusting place to live. Never define a person by the work he/she does. Instead of feeling sorry for that "window washer" a good and decent person would have thought nothing of what he was doing, no matter what age he was.

    I actually feel quite sorry for you.

  • LDH
    Instead of feeling sorry for that "window washer" a good and decent person would have thought nothing of what he was doing, no matter what age he was.

    LOL@ what is truth. Where did I say I "felt sorry" for anyone? Ah, I know. I said he wasn't qualified for anything else. Well, I was wrong. The truth is, he used to make millions in Mergers and Acquisitions for Merrill Lynch, but then he got dissillusioned and threw it all away to scrub windows. LOL!

    Out of one side of your mouth you tell me not to 'feel sorry' for that 'window washer' and then one sentence later you 'feel sorry for me.'

    You are a hoot. Welcome to the board.

    I don't really care what type of job anyone does, as long as they are being productive members of society.


    Logs extra miles for reimbursement Class (not!)


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