A few observations about paradise:
1) They're building some sort of building in the back (barracks?). Where did the lumber come from? Are there lumber mills in paradise? Where will the shingles come from?
2) The black woman clearly has straightened hair. Do black folks no longer have to straighten their hair in paradise? Or is straightening one's own hair still something black folks will want to do in paradise?
3) Where do their clothes come from? Are there still sweat shops in paradise?
4) Why are they even wearing clothes anyways? I thought this was supposed to be a restoration of Eden, where no clothes were worn.
5) Looks like the guy is hauling watermellons, grapes, luttuce, some sort of gord, a pear, and a few other unidentifiable items, as well as an orange tree in the background. The climate must be perfect in paradise. If that's the case, what happens to polar ice caps? Will there still be seasons?
6) There's also a farm on the hill in the background. Will farmers still have to spread manure to fertilize the field? If so, that doesn't seem very paradise-like. Are ministerial servants the ones who will be assigned this job, or full-time pioneers?
Things missing:
Cars, roads, electronics of any kind, and anything to do other than build a WTS barracks, pick fruit, or smell flowers.