What year was this bible translated? It doesnt even say who translated it. Did this Russel guy get bored and want to start his own religion or something. Where did he get his belief? Where is his proof for his way he didnt even have a bible. it was not translated until later. Its like he made the stuff up he wanted to believe and much later a bible was written to what they wanted it to say. Why did people believe this mans beliefs. He had nothing to back him up he just made stuff up. he used the pyramids to determine when christ would come back. When every bible says all will see him when he returns and no one will no the time not even christ. So how can one man change that without anything to back him up but his own word. Shouldnt we all use the Standard version of the bible. Wouldnt it be the most accurate being the first english version of the bible translated
the new world translation of the holy scriptures
by jes30427 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
LOL..No russell died in 1916 ..the NT was released in 1950 and the full version of the OT was released in 1961...and I have to add that it is full of sh*t!
It was written by Freddie Franz and only Freddie Franz, oh don't get me wrong, others did help, but he had to approve everything, as it had to cross his desk first.
What year was this bible translated?
From 1950 -1960 and most importantly it had a green cover.
It doesnt even say who translated it.
Mine says translated by the "The New World Translation Committee"
Did this Russel guy get bored and want to start his own religion or something.
Yes he was tired of sewing silk underpants for rich ladies and one morning woke up, went down to breakfast and said to his mother "bugger the drapery business mom" I want to be the best friend of jesus.
Where did he get his belief?
America's East Side
Where is his proof for his way he didnt even have a bible. it was not translated until later.
No translated bibles were bought to America by communists monks to use for tobacco paper.
Its like he made the stuff up he wanted to believe and much later a bible was written to what they wanted it to say.
Yes and history tells us he had the perculiar habit of harnessing his cart in front of his horse which made changing course or stopping for directions almost impossible.
Why did people believe this mans beliefs. He had nothing to back him up he just made stuff up.
Yeah that part about the Jesus flying up in the sky is just silly.
He used the pyramids to determine when christ would come back. When every bible says all will see him when he returns and no one will no the time not even christ.
No no one will no the time (just like now)
So how can one man change that without anything to back him up but his own word.
No he had his back up . Some days he was livid
Shouldnt we all use the Standard version of the bible.
Use it to? Jam the cracks in our tepid ideas about god and her celestial lonliness? Line the bottom of the budgy cage
Wouldnt it be the most accurate being the first english version of the bible translated
So, let me guess, by that reasoning you think we should all become Greek Orthodox? (debatably the first christians) Did you know that the New World translation is Queen Elizabeth II's favorite bible and also it is the only bible used on the moon.
So can u tell me where russle got his stuff from if there wasnt even a bible until franz wrote it.
God spoke to him, how else? Seriously, he was a unitarian I believe and most of his beliefs stem from there. Keep in mind that JW's belifs today are very different from when Russel was in charge.
Keep in mind that JW's belifs today are very different from when Russel was in charge.
Are they accurater now or more wronger or similar while being differenter?
Are they accurater now or more wronger or similar while being differenter
A combination of all three actually
Russel didn't believe in organized religion and he didn't believe that the great crowd was an earthly group. The real founder of the WTBTS is Rutherford (misspelled his name).