I is funny!
Are you mostly funny or serious?
by JH 30 Replies latest jw friends
I hope that you liked my video clip miss peaches
Hey JH.... I never seem to be able to view wmv files on the internet. They work on my email but not otherwise... And I really wanna see your clip... I have an idea... and you very shortly will have a PM...
misspeaches is funny? I guess, but every time I see her avatar, I just think "naughty". I don't know why, I can't put my finger on it.
Before last year, I was super serious, I didn't like laughing and now I've completely turned around. I'm a super chill person now, lol... always happy to have a good laugh and hang out with fun people.
Funny, but in a sarcastic way...
I am mainly serious that is my major attitude but at times there are also sudden inspirations for humour it just comes to say something really funny. Then laughing is a great way to let off steam and relieve stress and be appreciated by other ppl.
Well Ballastic naughty wasn't an option otherwise I would have picked it!
JH - you are a BANANA! Your clip is so funny! LMAO
You have met me JH and might think me funny - in reality I tend to be serious