Does she: provide for housing (four bedroom house vs. three bedroom house) feed the child transport the child clothe the child see that the child has appropriate medical care see that the child has appropriate schooling have the child in any 'extra' activities like soccer or music. If so, I can assure you she is spending the money
Sorry, that doesn't wash. The "housing" cost is there, whether she has a child or not. Their mortgage payments would be exactly the same whether or not she had a child. Yes, of course she feeds the child, but it does not cost that much to feed one child in a month as he eats the same thing as what his mother and step father does. Transportation? Give me a break, they live 2 blocks from his school. Medical care is publically funded here in Canada, and her benefits through work is also fully funded, so she doesn't have to worry about medical costs. Ditto for schools. So I assure you---she is NOT spending a thousand dollars a month on her child.
Nothing disgusts me more that women who are financially secure constantly baggering their ex's for more, more, more. One of my co-workers makes $90,000.00/year. He divorced his wife because she was screwing around on him but of course, that means nothing in court any more. They have joint custody of their 2 children, but he has to pay an astronomical amount in child support and alimony. He was left with $600.00 at the end of each month for him to live on! He couldn't afford to live anywhere for that, so he had to move back in with his parents for god's sake. Oh, and his ex-wife? She's remarried to a guy who makes damn good money, plus she gets all the child support from Joe still, but she's still constantly bitching and complaining that she wants more, more, more. What's wrong with this picture? Why should a guy have to give to the point of where he's got absolutely NOTHING left for himself?? I agree they should pay child support, but it should depend on how much is necessary. If the wife is remarried and is financially well off, why the hell should they be able to suck every dime out of their ex's when they don't even need the money?!
I realize that everyone's situation is different. I know of some women who are good mothers who desperately need to be able to count on child support, and they get get screwed over royally by their exs. Another one of my co-workers has received no child support from her ex-husband for 3 years! As soon as she's able to track him down (he likes to go 'underground' to avoid paying child support), he quits his job so that he doesn't have to pay anything! On the other hand, another friend of mine (an ex-Dub) has to pay a huge amount in child support to his psycho ex-wife, even though she's a horrific mother and screwed around on him with his best friend. This woman's mother is a pedophile and sexually abused all of her own children when they were very young, yet her daughter leaves her children with her on a constant basis. And guess what? Those kids were sexually abused by another family member while there. My friend tried taking it to court to get custody, but incredibly, the judge still gives this woman custody. She's re-married yet is constantly whining to her ex that she wants more, more, more. It's just unbelievable. Another friend's ex-wife is now living in a rundown apartment with a crack-head and is a total lunatic. He was smart and grabbed the kid who lives with him now. Yet he's still going to have to pay through the nose in their final settlement, even though this witch doesn't deserve a dime.
So believe me, if you were on the other end of the stick, where YOU had to shell out a ton of money every month to someone who didn't need it----you'd think that way too.