Fluff Question.....Hilarious!

by whyamihere 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyamihere

    My friend Danielle, and I were having dinner last weekend. Suddenly, a question popped up she asked me. Now it was a question that I actually had to give some thought to. Uproariously, I remembered something I totally forgotten about. I couldn't believe I would forget something such as this, but then again yeah I can see why I did.

    Here was the Question:

    Who is the most embarrassing person you have been with(make out or kissed or even had sex with).....

    I laughed so hard when I remember who is was. OK, here we go. I was 17 and I made out with a Hot Carny with a Mullet!

    Oh I want to die just knowing that!

    Alright everyone else....your turn......Who is the most embarrassing person you have been with?


  • wombat

    Okay WhyamIhere....Seems like no one is going to take up this topic so I'll bttt to keep you happy.

    It's like eating a Big Mac. It seems like such a good idea at the time but when you have finished you feel so disgusted with yourself and promise that you will never do it again. (But invariably you do).

    So my answer is....me

  • Ellie

    Oh no, what a question, good job I don't know anyone here personally or I wouldn't be answering this.

    Probably my ex boss, we were both drunk and he was gorgeous, but it made work quite awkward for a time after, also quite awkward when his fiancee would pop round.

  • JH
    Who is the most embarrassing person you have been with?

    I think I'm the most embarrsing person many have been with...

  • Ellie

    aww JH, I'm sure thats not true

  • ButtLight

    Ummm, I would have to say this big muscular dude that took me home. The next morning he got up to go to the bathroom, came back to bed, and we had sex again. Came to find out later it was his twin brother! Dirty suckers, you couldnt tell them apart!!!

  • whyamihere

    Buttlight...you are soooo Dirty.

    That is so funny ...Twins? So which one was better?


  • JH
    Came to find out later it was his twin brother!

    Why didn't he want to have sex with you again?

  • whyamihere
    Came to find out later it was his twin brother!
    Why didn't he want to have sex with you again?



  • ButtLight

    You guys are nasty!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess he just had me, so he didnt want to leave his brother in the cold!!!!

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