What are your morals like since leaving the organisation? Each and every day we are faced with situations which call on our morals. Today I had a friend aproach me to say he's met a married woman and what did I think. On the surface if you looked at me, as a smoker and drinker, you might think I had no influence from the way I was brought up. However, not only can apearences be deceptive, but the things you do as in *habits* may not bear any relationship to how you feel about issues, deep rooted sense of right and wrong when it comes to topics such as sex, honesty, inter personal relationships and so on. Have you ever reacted to a situation, and then thought, wait a minute, that was the morals I was taught as a JW catching up with me?
What are your morals like since leaving the organisation?
by ballistic 29 Replies latest jw friends
Of course I should have realised when I posted this that no-one is going to say "I have no morals" so.... if you have no morals and you are female, just PM me instead! LOL
Of course I should have realised when I posted this that no-one is going to say "I have no morals" so.... if you have no morals and you are female, just PM me instead! LOL
LOL...you have a pm...Kidding!
I am the same as I left. I am just more open minded with clothes.
I have to say, with my kids, yes, I have morals. But out of their site, none! My hate for the world and WTS over rides my morality. That's pretty sad, but I just don't care Hopefully one day I will again
Flamboyant Sagitarius here....
One of my favorite quotes: my momma ask me if I'll ever change,
I tell her yeah, but it's clear I'll always be the same...
I continued as a non smoker (didn't smoke even before meeting the JWs) and not meddling with married women though there were plenty of opportunities for that but I go instead for free girls at times when the opportunity arises. I also don't like defrauding ppl.
I have morals when it comes to certain things, just not as harsh as they would be when in the religion. Well I think I have morals, although if you look at my comment to whyiamhere's post, you would think I don't have any... I guess it will just depend on the situation.
interesting, interesting, like chimene said the Watchtower rode over our morals but were you brought up in it? I think I did "go off the rails" to a small extent like some people do when leaving a tightly controlled group, and then re-balanced to some semblence of morality, which I subsequently realised could still be a bit "righteous" can I say?This is going well: Inbox (42 new messages)
I am as honest and moral as i can be, i dont go out of my way to be immoral.
Oh boy! 42? LOL
I wasn't raised in the religion. Got in at age 27. I did however, have morals. I was brought up that if your going to marry someone, you better live with them first to find out if you can get along, things like that. I was never a "bad girl" per say, but on another note, my anger makes me want to be I guess it's sort of a feeling of vengence