I knew a muslim that converted but it was not to the JWs rather to the Baptists, his personality was more western than eastern so I am not surprised that found Christianity more appealing.
There is overall traffic going both ways but for muslim converts to Christianity there is a lot of pressure since apostasy from Islam is a mortal sin and the mullahs threaten from time to time to send death squads in Europe to kill them.
Converting Muslims
by Dr Jekyll 12 Replies latest jw experiences
There is a Muslim page about jw's annoying Muslims and trying to convert them. They even have some good scans of jw literature and false prophecies. I can't find it at the moment.
I started a Bible Study with a Muslim back around 1974-75. Everything went well until the fourth or fifth study when the subject of God's name was discussed. He said that God's name was Allah and I told him that Allah was a title not a name. He became very angry and threatened to cut my throat. End of study and no more return visits.