Misquoting Jesus

by SickofLies 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • SickofLies

    Book Review:

    The popular perception of the Bible as a divinely perfect book receives scant support from Ehrman, who sees in Holy Writ ample evidence of human fallibility and ecclesiastical politics. Though himself schooled in evangelical literalism, Ehrman has come to regard his earlier faith in the inerrant inspiration of the Bible as misguided, given that the original texts have disappeared and that the extant texts available do not agree with one another. Most of the textual discrepancies, Ehrman acknowledges, matter little, but some do profoundly affect religious doctrine. To assess how ignorant or theologically manipulative scribes may have changed the biblical text, modern scholars have developed procedures for comparing diverging texts. And in language accessible to nonspecialists, Ehrman explains these procedures and their results. He further explains why textual criticism has frequently sparked intense controversy, especially among scripture-alone Protestants. In discounting not only the authenticity of existing manuscripts but also the inspiration of the original writers, Ehrman will deeply divide his readers. Although he addresses a popular audience, he undercuts the very religious attitudes that have made the Bible a popular book. Still, this is a useful overview for biblical history collections.


    Dr Ehrman has provided the general reading public with a superb book that simply, clearly, and concisely reports and analyzes the many issues that confront anyone seeking to better understand the words and teachings of Jesus in particular and of the New Testament in general. With the seemingly never ending popularity of the fictional "Da Vinci Code" a corresponding interest in what really happened in the decades and centuries following the deaths of the apostles has also arisen. Since much of what Dan Brown includes in his novel is historically unreliable, a book like this from Dr Ehrman is especially helpful to the general reader. He demonstrates how the plethora of variant readings and manuscripts of the Greek New Testament have, from the beginning of church history, produced difficult challenges to sincere followers of Jesus, challenges that are not made less of a problem by either fundamentalist biblicism or evanagelical absolutism. He further demonstrates that prior to the rise of Nicene orthodoxy the Christian community was quite diverse and that the attempt to establish a uniformity among those who called themselves Christians did, in more than a few instances, influence how the text of the New Testament was copied and transmitted to succeeding generations. Evangelical Christians in particular ought to read this book and pay particular attention to Dr Ehrman's autobiographical essay at the beginning. Many thanks to Dr. Ehrman for writing a book that is at once challenging, stimulating, and, in its way, very spiritual.

    Check out a John Steward interview with him: http://www.comedycentral.com/shows/the_daily_show/videos/most_recent/index.jhtml

    This guy looked at over 5000 different manuscripts and has some very origional conclusions. Excellent for those who insist (falsely) that the bibles we have today are the same as the ones the origional christrians used.

  • gumby
    Excellent for those who insist (falsely) that the bibles we have today are the same as the ones the origional christrians used.

    You'd think if god could have guarded the "Ark of the Covenant" so carefully, he could have guarded a book that is supposed to be mans lifesaver by it's claiming to have gods only means of communicating his orders to his creation...his own words. Does he care they were tampered with? Is it fair to those who read hampered words and are mislead? Do the mislead suffer in anyway? Who am I? Am I losing my mind? who is this anyway? why are you looking at me?

    ......* starts shakin and frothin at the mouth*


  • Debar

    Jehovah did safe guard His Word. The original languages are still intact and available thru good dictionaries. God allowed the pearl to be hidden deep in the field so that only those who truly seek the truth will find it.

    Pro 25:2[It is] the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings [is] to search out a matter.

    Those who truly seek shall find it is the promise of Jehovah. Only the carnal man can stumble over the superficial intrepretation of scripture. One must study to show themselves approved.

    Blessings and peace


  • Dune

    Jesus is the Most well known and Least understood person ever to have lived.

  • SickofLies
    Those who truly seek shall find it is the promise of Jehovah. Only the carnal man can stumble over the superficial intrepretation of scripture. ; One must study to show themselves approved.

    Assuming you go with the NWT that is, which is probably the worst translation out there. I'm sorry, but I strongly disagree with your analysis.

  • greendawn

    My opinion is that though scholars and critics have created a lot of confusion about the authenticity of the New Testament (they claim that basically nothing in it is authentic, original, or truthful) it has come down to us mainly authentic though some bogus additions were obviously made in the course of the centuries.

    Anyhow a Christian's faith should not be based just on what's written in a book.

  • peacefulpete
    My opinion is that though scholars and critics have created a lot of confusion about the authenticity of the New Testament (they claim that basically nothing in it is authentic, original, or truthful) it has come down to us mainly authentic though some bogus additions were obviously made in the course of the centuries.

    "obviously" ? Please explain.

  • GodisRight
    "obviously" ? Please explain.

    Like the book of Jesus child life. The bible clearly states Jesus performed his first miracle at the wedding. But this false book has him performing all kinds of miracles as a child which is a lie.

  • DavidChristopher

    Funny....the very ones discrediting it now, are the ones who have been teaching it and using it as a base to lead others and get their money for thousands of years.

    How odd.

  • peacefulpete

    Nice bail.

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