I can not say the word "potato". It's true, I have sinned against the English language. I didn't realize I was sinning until the day I asked if my boyfriend would like mashed potatoes for supper and he started laughing. I'm confused potatoes are funny?
Then he tells me, you say "badado" "I do not!" I exclaim, very indignat. Try it again he says. So I do and dammit he's right! "Badado" What in heck is a badado?! How have I gone 30 years saying "mashed badados", "badado chips" "sweet badados"? Why has no one else ever corrected me?!
Now that I'm aware of my mispronounciation it's worse because it's very obvious I am trying to say it correctly. It comes out long and drawn out "poe--tay--toe"
I'm never eating "badados" again