I just got back from a 2 hour ride outside. The temp is around the freezing mark. And the wind made it feel even colder. Before I left I saw the beautiful sunny sky and figured it was nicer out so wore thinner gloves than I usually do when I go out. And using the electric wheelchair means I have to keep my hand out to use the controls. My fingers just about froze on the way back.
Now the point of this is that it reminded me of going door to door when we had sub-zero temps and how cold my hands and feet would get. Of course being a "sister" meant wearing a dress regardless of how cold it was outside. The trip reminded me so clearly of how frozen we would get and how hard it was to write anything down on the record sheet. In my earlier years there weren't a lot of people in the cong that had cars so we either used the bus or walked. I think I walked to every part of the cong territory and it was a huge territory (population at that time was 60,000 just in our city but we were also responsible for an adjacent territory of probably 30,000 people)
No matter how hard you tried to find comfortable and warm boots they never kept your feet warm. Mittens were awkward and gloves were just plain freezing. I won't even go into cold blasts of air rushing under your skirt. Leotards only do so much and believe me it ain't much at all.
No wonder we knew where all the coffee shops were and stayed so long. We were trying to thaw out.
Summer was just as bad. The heat would sap all your energy.
Brrrr It's cold outside
And the reason for all this? To sell magazines and books and make a "good" appearance.