Farkel's a grumpy ol' fart (like me)

by unclebruce 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • unclebruce
    R is spelled ARE

    U is YOU

    4 is a freakin NUMBER

    Not in the new medium of text messaging my friend .

    1 only getz 160 charactrz to comunikat wiv on a mobo

    ah the younga generashun wot can ya do lol ..thumbs away

    uncle exuberant text

    I find m'self hav'n to lern to rite compl't sentences ag'n afta a year ofline but on txt mess'g'n.

  • unclebruce

    Hey this was supoz'd to b in candynutz fred!

    Now I ony got 1 chance to mayk a nu post 2day .. bugga!

  • Scully

    Ah, yes, technology's boon is the grammar/spelling stickler's bane.

    I remember picking up an Awake! magazine written in Pidgin English - I guess they don't have a word for "devil" so they called Satan "da badman" - I laughed myself silly at the time.

    Love, Scully (pining for the Queen's English class)

  • Clam
    Now I ony got 1 chance to mayk a nu post 2day .. bugga!

    I know how you feel UncleBruce™. I used my two post allocation up on Fluff yesterday and now I’ve got huge news to tell (a revised date for Armageddon™), and can’t start a thread off.

  • unclebruce


    Yes scully darling the Queen only knows why these young people don't write better and show more respect .. and while they're at it call hip dudes like farkel and unclebruce ...farcool & uncool.

  • unclebruce

    Yes it's a bummer clam, now I must decide between slapping an old friend in Canadia or an old enemy in Brooklyn lol


    ps: hang in there bro ..polarbear rescue is on the way ..alt

  • Scully

    I wonder if ol' Willy Shakespeare got flak for the guerilla attack he made on the English language back in the day? Or did he fall back on the tired old excuse of "Well, I've written a bazillion plays and sonnets... what have you done lately?"

    Give the next generation an opportunity to reproduce.... all it takes is a little bugger telling his daddy to "FU" to make them realize that a good example is the best teacher.

  • Clam

    Who needs rescuing? It's Friday and we're chillin'

  • Scully

    And besides, it's St. Patrick's day!! Shouldn't you lot be out drinking??

  • ballistic

    What I've noticed is kids coming to work for huge blue chip companies who not only think it's acceptable in business corresponence, but actually think it's somehow "cool". They just don't get it. I can see in the future, organisations asking for young employees to do basic English literacy courses or asking for samples of writing like they did years ago.

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