God no god? Scholarly pseudo schorlarly?

by D wiltshire 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    Thanks Alan,

    I'm really greatful for you last response.

    Makes sense.

    I'll defend your right to say it, but it doesn't mean I beleive it.

  • JanH


    How do you know the evidence is near zilch? Are you falling into the camp of collecting only facts that appear to suport you veiw and not looking at the ones that go contrary.

    Theists have tried to prove God's existence for millenia, mostly defeating themselves. Today, practically all serious theologers have abandoned the project, because it is an obvious failure. If evidence existed, it would have been brought forth by now.

    Your gentle ad hominem above merely serves to hide you have no evidence, either.

    Don't forget I was a theist for some years, also after leaving the JWs. I tried to grasp at straws to hold onto my belief in God, because I bought into the idea that this was good and worth something. I abandoned it solely for intellectual reasons, when after a very careful study I found no evidence for and solid evidence -- to not say proof -- against. It would be intellectually dishonest to not go with the evidence. And once I realized I could not believe, I also knew I was an atheist (one doesn't choose to be, one is).

    - Jan
    "Doctor how can you diagnose someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and then act like I had some choice about barging in here right now?" -- As Good As It Gets

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    I think you misunderstood me:

    Your gentle ad hominem above merely serves to hide you have no evidence, either.

    I'm not trying to argue or hide anything. I am simply expessing my feeling that partiality is shown on both sides.

    As an example the existance of matter in the universe.

    Both sides have their arguements and there (facts(theories)).

    I'll defend your right to say it, but it doesn't mean I beleive it.

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