Should we evaluate satan's thoughts, to see if we agree or not?

by DavidChristopher 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DavidChristopher

    Should we just take others word, and blame everything on him, without seaching and trying to see if there was a reason for what he did?

    Is there a chance, he could have been doing what Jehovah wanted him to do? Or was he meant to be a "fall guy" for us? (Like Bush firing some of his top aides, to create a "shake-up" and bring his approval up?, by blaming and firing them publically.)

    If the GB is truly satan, are they are aware of this role they are assuming? Would they still want the job knowing that? Or would they flee, if this was proven to them and the people that are following them?

    Perhaps they are setting us an example, if they chose to stay, How to give your life, as a perfect sacrifice, to set a good example for their weaker, sin laden brothers. (be their fall guy?)

    Oh wait, they just want to punish and condemn weaker sinful brothers don't they?

    Does Jehovah want us to stand up to protect these weaker people from destruction? Even standing up to Him, and facing eternal death, if that what it takes?

    Would that make Him mad or proud of us?

    Can someone ask Him for me?

    How can we love Him, when we can't even love our brothers, or our enemies, that we CAN see?

  • DavidChristopher

    is that what this is all about? When you get it down to the basics?

    If so, it amazes me, how when you simplify complex problems, how common-sense can hold some solutions and answers.

    Any thoughts?

  • cosmic

    A lot of questions in short order. A good book to reference might be Mark Twain's Letters From Earth. For those who might not have read it, it's somewhat of a dialog of "The Devil" after having visited Earth. Funny stuff. Just like us.

    Taking Satan as he is described, does his reasoning really matter? Could we understand it anyway? I mean, if he were to explain to us that the reason he did what he did was because of a schizm rift near the antiquity of the Well of Souls that caused a cascade of nemorite stratalneges. Would we understand what he just said? (Ootsfray Ooopslay?)

    The only way that we can see Satan (wow, just like God) is thru ourselves. Not a pretty sight.

    Is THE GB Satan? No more than the Pope, the Secretary Genral, GB, or the Girl Scouts.

    Are we supposed to protect others from destruction? I think the secret is to realize that you're already dead. A friend of mine called me the other morning and in a spasm of good cheer admonished me to , "live this day like its you last!" As deadpan as i could, I replied, "Well, then I'm sure the f*ck not going to work."

    Until we can unshackle our minds from God, Gods, Satan, and all of the rest of the hooey we've died for throughout history, and realize that it is up to us, just us, and nobody else, it doesn't matter who the spook de jour is or why. Because we'll still be running around in the same tiny little circle, "staying the corse. Rounding the corner."

  • DavidChristopher

    Well if I REALLY belived in God (I do by the way) and He said He was going to kill and destroy my friends, family, and enemies who had alot of weaknesses and didn't measure up to His standards. I would have to do something, and if I could not defend them in court with success, I would rather take the punishment meant for them, rather than lose my case, and let down my client(s).

    How would the judge react, if it were legal to do so?

    Facing eternal destruction, is not a bright and happy future when one is more concerned with their OWN well-being, than other's. IMO

  • greendawn

    The JWs had rushed to proclaim the end of this system long before this was due to occur and they are certainly not fit to play any part in the separation of sheep and goat. The end would never come in the way they proclaimed.

    As for Satan and his ideology he got overtaken and discredited by the unfolding of human history long before now.

  • cosmic


    "Well if I REALLY belived in God (I do by the way) and He said He was going to kill and destroy my friends, family, and enemies who had alot of weaknesses and didn't measure up to His standards. " Then, they are already dead.

    "I would have to do something, and if I could not defend them in court with success, I would rather take the punishment meant for them, rather than lose my case, and let down my client(s)" Quite noble of you. However, that is YOUR choice, not mine, His, Her's, It's, Our's, or Their's.

    If you indeed believe in God, then relax. Have another toke, wait for the little sparkly things to come, and enjoy another episode of South Park. If God has got it all figured out, great, then its His problem, and I assume you have envisioned Him with enough power to do the job. Now, if you've created Him with only enough power to have Him expect me or you to do the job, well, then we need to discuss better God creation skills.

  • DavidChristopher

    I wonder if a reward or punishment lies at the end of that decision?

    How can I find out?

  • cosmic


    Yes. Now, don't drop any ashes on the sofa, I just had it cleaned.

    Why do you want to find out? Will it make any difference? Some folks think that the worst part of capital punishment is that the condemmed knows precisely when they will die, in advance.

  • robhic

    David, think on this. It's from a thread I started some time ago but it made me re-think some things. Maybe it will you, too.

    Why is satan supposed to be so bad? What did he actually do? He gets the blame, sure, but what does he explicitly do? Can’t explain why you did something bad? Blame the devil! An excuse.

    He tempted Adam & Eve by telling them the truth! If they ate from the tree they would be the equal of god. Is this true? They ate from the tree. God got pissed and threw them out ....

    ... And the bit about tempting jesus. So what? He tempted him, jesus declined the offer, no-harm-no foul as far as I can see. What does satan actually do that makes him so bad?

    Tell folks to slaughter women and children (but keeping the more attractive women for wives)? Destroy whole towns or civilizations? Kill 70,000 people because some guy took a census and a myriad of other nasty things? No, it was god (the one who supposedly loves everyone) doing this! Not satan...

    Exactly why is satan supposed to be so horribly bad? Read the examples above but there are many, many more. Satan did some tempting (big deal!) but gets the blame for a host of other things. It's only the bible writers' word. Satan makes a good universal scape goat. It keeps folks from accepting responsibility, something that humans don't readily accept.

    Plus, all jehovah and his armies are going to be packing are some swords and chariots. I'd take my chances against that with a couple AR-15s, some dynamite and rocket-propelled grenades. Ever see a knife at a gun fight? I thought so.

    Just some things to think about.


  • DavidChristopher

    Thanks Robert!

    Good questions. How did Paul say HE handed alexander over to Satan that he might be taught not to blaspheme? Is satan a teacher? Does he work, and serve a purpose in this? (life)

    Is satan a hypocrite? or a sinner? or a defender?

    What is wrong with us being like God? Would God NOT want that? Or was He just not wanting us to non-existant by actually BEING Him again? What does a mother want for her child? What is the end goal of the job?

    Does He want us to be individuals that can remain such and still get along with one another? Or everyone as one, all thinking and doing the same thing for order?

    Is that why he commmanded us to not judge others? or "mind our own business"?

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