Is Time Speeding up? The Schumann Resonance

by Gill 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gill

    From what I have been reading recently, time has been steadily speeding up, and measurably so, according to the measurements of the Schuman Resonance. We now fit more or less, 18 months into a 12 month year.

    Apparantly, this is supposed to continue up until the 21st or 23rd December 2012. At this point the Earth will be at the end of its 26,000 year cycle .

    We on the Earth orbit the Sun. The Sun orbits the central star of the 7 sisters Pleiades Constellation which happens to be Alcyone. On that date we will be in conjuntion with the exact centre of the Milky Way Galaxy, and in line with, from my simple understanding, a couple of other galaxys.

    That date also marks the end of the Mayan 'Long Count'. Some believe this to 'mean the end of the world' when really it is just the end of another natural cycle of the Earth.

    Anyone know any more about this?

  • luna2

    Not me...but it sounds quite interesting. Can't wait to see if anything cool happens in December 2012...always assuming I'm still here. lol

  • DannyBloem

    I hope that this is not meant to be serious, jyust a joke. But in case it is....

    From what I have been reading recently, time has been steadily speeding up, and measurably so, according to the measurements of the Schuman Resonance. ; We now fit more or less, 18 months into a 12 month year.

    Time is not speeding up.

    Apparantly, this is supposed to continue up until the 21st or 23rd December 2012. ; At this point the Earth will be at the end of its 26,000 year cycle . ;

    Cycles do not have ends, that is why it are cycles. Of course you can define every point in the cycle as an end

    We on the Earth orbit the Sun. ; The Sun orbits the central star ; of the 7 sisters Pleiades ;Constellation which happens to be Alcyone. On that date we will be in conjuntion with the exact centre of the Milky Way Galaxy, and in line with, from my simple understanding, a couple of other galaxys.

    The sun does not orbid alcyone. And yes, that is also not the place where God's trone is.
    The sun orbids the centre of the milky way, not the pleades

    There is always a line through the sun and the centre of the galaxy.

    That date also marks the end of the Mayan 'Long Count'. ; Some believe this to 'mean the end of the world' when really it is just the end of another natural cycle of the Earth.

    Funny isn't it?

    Anyone know any more about this?

    Well... where to start.....

  • Gill

    Hi Danny! Tell me more, I'm 'All ears!'

    My understanding of the Schumann Resonance, (the electrical charge in the Ionosphere) is rather limited. I understand that it has increased measurably since 1980, as measured by the US Navy.

    As for the cycles, I understand that cycles do not in themselves come to an end, but continue, much as the Earth rotates, and circles the Sun, which then is also circling, 'whatever'.

    I do remember reading about Hubble having noticed that all the galaxys it was seeing were in fact rotating and moving outwards, so I'm with you on 'cycles not ending' in their nature.

  • daystar

    I can only find references to "Schuman Resonance" on New Agey web sites. I'd like some scientific brackground on that.

    Most of the sites I looked at that referred to the "Schuman Resonance" or to "time speeding up" seemed rather kooky to me though. And many of them seemed to relate the way we live today in such a hurried world to some hunch that time is speeding up; that we "just don't seem to have the time" anymore.

    Well, this is just subjective. Time seemed to go by very slowly when I was a kid. An hour was forever. Now an hour flies by as nothing.

    I think what you've found is yet another sort of "End Time" theory.

  • Gill

    Hi Daystar!

    I agree with you that, the 'Time Speeding up' and Schumann Resonance info can only be found on these New Agey web sites, as far as I have looked SO FAR.

    However, I came across this information in books on ancient maps, and ancient civilisations.

    Charles Hapgoods maps, show that the Earth was mapped out pretty accurately possibly thousands of years before even the Americas were discovered. Longitude measurements must have existed may be even thousands of years before longitude measuring tool, the chronometer was invented. Otherwise, the ancients would not have had these accurate maps that even equate with the modern day Mercator Maps.

    Also, fossilised remains of trees, and even coal has been found in Antartica which supports 'Earths Crust Displacement Theory',

    I know that is just a vague description of what I have been reading up, but I remember quite a few years ago, several scientist insisting that global warming is NOT being caused by us, cars, pollution etc but that it is part of a natural Earth cycle and that the skin of the Earth, all 33 miles thick of it, does move, though immeasurably in any lifetime.

    This causes land masses not to be where they 'should' be and gradually ice that should remain ice, will melt as it is no longer at the coldest parts of the earth. Also, climate will change due to different influence on the Earths climate.

    It's hard to put all this into one sentence as this is masses upon masses of books and a few websites I have read in the last year.

    I started my interest with 'Fingerprint of the Gods' by Graham Hancock, a year or so ago, and took up on serpent cults, prehistory and a little bit of physic, (though physics is all greek to me!) and certain things seem to equate a pattern.

    The 26,000 year Earth Cycle, (continuing cycle) has basis in science but again, so much to find out, so little time.

  • daystar


    Well, yeah, the earth does go through its cycles, just like everything else. I just can't at this point see a link between "Schumann Resonance" and any sort of speeding up of time that has any decent sourcing (or any at all in fact).

    I always think this when people start talking about 2012 or any other "end time" theory. Who cares? I mean, if the cycle is coming to an end, and say there will be world-wide cataclysm, will your life be better served by focusing on it? Live your life to its fullest.

    Perhaps 2012 will be a time of a global consciousness shift... perhaps not. But why waste so much time obsessing over it? Does it enhance your life now?

  • IP_SEC

    Ahh yes the schumann resonance. Yet another example of a Tesla discovery he doesnt get credit for. This phenomenon started Tesla on the path to his Wardenclyffe project to transmit electricity wirelessly.

  • Gill

    daystar - Not for one moment do I believe the 'end time theory' to mean that. In much the same way as time doesn't end just because the Earth has been around the sun once.

    2012 is just another date that apparantly marks the Earths allignment with certain galxies etc.

    But, previous pre history civilisations were able to calculate this. How?

    Perhaps we'll never know exactly, but they were far more advanced that we are now. They were probably over run by some kind of global cataclysm but again, 'Hey, Shit happens!'

    But, The Schumann Resonance is interesting.

    IP_SEC - I'm already looking up more information on Tesla. It's amazing what you find out when you pick peoples brains.


  • Leolaia

    Gill.....Graham Hancock (and others in a similar vein) may be fun to read and may fire the imagination, but his "lost civilization" theories are to a great extent pseudoscientific and thus are not taken seriously by any historians or geologists (and Hancock is neither). ECD may have had more plausibility fifty years ago before we had any real understanding of plate tectonics, glacial history, and so forth, but those ideas have been proven obsolete. Ice-core drilling in Antarctica has produced a record of at least 300,000 years of ice sheet and there is evidence of an ice sheet for at least several million years. The drift of hot spots such as the one in Hawai'i (which can clearly be observed by looking at underwater sea mounts) does not line up with the predictions of ECD (which itself is a record going back tens of millions of years). Paleomagnetic evidence also attests the polar location of Antarctica for many millions of years. The claims made by Hancock are simply just not true.

    Also, fossilised remains of trees, and even coal has been found in Antartica which supports 'Earths Crust Displacement Theory',

    Yeah, dinosaurs too, but that's just thing....Antarctica had a warm climate tens of millions of years ago, and those fossils date to Mesozoic and the Eocene; the transition to a polar climate began in the late Eocene. This evidence does not support ECD at all....that the climate in Antarctica was temperate only 12,000 years ago. It's similar to pointing to fossils a hundred million years old on Mount Everest to support a global flood 4,500 years ago.

    the skin of the Earth, all 33 miles thick of it, does move, though immeasurably in any lifetime.

    Yes, indeed it does gradually move as the seamounts in the Pacific attest, but this is not evidence in support of ECD.

    Charles Hapgoods maps, show that the Earth was mapped out pretty accurately possibly thousands of years before even the Americas were discovered. Longitude measurements must have existed may be even thousands of years before longitude measuring tool, the chronometer was invented. Otherwise, the ancients would not have had these accurate maps that even equate with the modern day Mercator Maps.

    "Thousands of years before even the Americas were discovered", this is pure speculation, based in part on ECD. Rather, you should rather say that an ice-free Antarctica was mapped accurately tens of millions of years ago, for that was truly the time the continent was ice-free. Of course, that concept is absurd; there was no one around to do the mapping tens of millions ago. And to claim that sixteenth-century maps are based on maps several thousand years earlier, you must assume that there was a "lost civilization" that mapped these regions so long ago; something there is no real evidence of (aside from the maps themselves, which cannot be used to support the argument due to circularity).

    Hapgood's cartographic analysis, moreover, can be questioned on several different grounds (see David Jolly's criticism, or the analyses given in professional works on the history of cartography). In short, the amazing similarities depend in part on the assumptions one brings to the analysis and how ambiguous data are interpreted. The Piri Reis map, for example, can only be construed as representing Antarctica by setting aside aspects of the map that do not conform to this intepretation (such as the lack of any water between "Antarctica" and South America, and a whole missing section of South America, namely, Argentina), and ignoring the actual correspondences that exist between Argentina and the section of the map believed to be "Antarctica".

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