What makes you happy?

by JH 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • ButtLight

    Me, I love to make others smile and laugh

    I love to ride in my car

    I love to take a walk on warm summer days

    And I love to eat and drink, like everybody I guess.

    I also love being in crowds when there are summer festivals people flashing and throwing beads!

    And I love walking in the woods, with no one around

    Yeppers, that about sums it up for me too!

  • whyamihere

    I am very easy to please....

    New flip flops....

    taking my kids swimming and realizing they have no fear...lol

    working out( I could do it all day)

    walking or jogging in the early summer mornings

    holding babies

    watching sports

    shopping...even if you don't buy anything

    sitting on a bench in a city, people watching

    lay out on the beach in the hot sun

    playing in the snow with your kids, calling your daughter in from school because you want to play with her

    I like simple things


  • Jourles

    • Knowing that I will never have to step into a KH ever again.
    • Sleeping in on Saturdays and Sundays
    • Playing volleyball, more so during the summer - sand and sun
    • Doing my job(profession)
    • Always trying a variety of restaurants
    • Drinking an excellent bottle of wine that I didn't pay a lot for(think Wine Spectator 'Best Values')
    • Meeting up with folks from this board
    • Skiing, snowmobiling, anything to do with winter
    • Making my home landscaping look good
  • RubaDub

    Buttlight -- > I also love being in crowds when there are summer festivals people flashing and throwing beads!

    I've gathered up a handful of beads and they are coming your way!

    Rub a Dub

  • JH

    A good chocolate bar just made me happy

  • ButtLight
    I've gathered up a handful of beads and they are coming your way!

    Thanks, but I have a whole drawer full already!

  • JH
    Thanks, but I have a whole drawer full already!

    I guess you flashed that light bulb many times

  • RubaDub

    Thanks, but I have a whole drawer full already!

    Then what's a guy to do with a handful of beads ?

    Rub a Dub

  • ButtLight
    Then what's a guy to do with a handful of beads ?

    I bet if you thought really hard, you could find a place to put em!

  • ballistic


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