Well it wasn't the long awaited visit we have been looking for, but I guess they are still working on it! My husband and I have been waiting for over 5 weeks for a reply back from the elders as to the date discrepancy of 607 (between the Watchtower references and the Appendix.)We blew them away when they were here, and said they would go do the research...until today we have heard nothing from anyone. The elder that showed up said that the elders that had been here were still trying to get together info. for us...."Good Luck!!" We specifically were told by the other elders that our meeting was confidential. Yet this elder knew all about it! It's amazing! So.. we still await the BIG reply!
Just got a knock at the door...yup you guessed it
by Lady Liberty 29 Replies latest jw friends
well! so much for confidentiality!
taking this long they must be waiting on word from headquarters or something.
We specifically were told by the other elders that our meeting was confidential.
Ummm. Yeah. I think this means that you are not allowed to talk about it but they can yak all they want.
-Aude. (Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding)
LOL...Good luck is right!
They probably are waiting on word from the society on just how to handle this!
But on the flip side...maybe it will plant a 'seed' in one of them!
We specifically were told by the other elders that our meeting was confidential.
Ummm. Yeah. I think this means that you are not allowed to talk about it but they can yak all they want.Right On!
Lady Liberty
Its funny because the first visit we recieved from them (after we hadn't been to a meeting in a year), we decided not to tell them our main issues. My husband did tell them though that we just didn't see the love that was supposed to be the identifying mark of the true religion. After that meeting, one of the elders went home, told his wife, and at a dinner party, she brought our names up and told the whole group that my husband and I told the elders never to come back again! (Which was not true.) One person present is a old friend of mine, one of the few who I have shared my issues. She stood up in front of everyone and said," that is a lie!" ANd the elders wife sternly said," Oh no its not!!" In actuality what had happened, was the elders were putting pressure on us to come back, and one said, "How about we come back in a couple of weeks and see how you are doing?" My husband said he wasn't so sure about that. Anyhow... the second visit..which by the way WAS two weeks later, when the called to schedule it, we told them they could come, but, that we wanted different elders! Ones that would keep our conversation CONFIDENTIAL! They said that its a serious matter for elders not to keep these meetings confidential! They promised, over and over that the next time it would be. ( Of course we knew they wouldn't. Our issue we raised was too big, we had them both stumped.) But, it just goes to show you you CANNOT trust them! Even if you have sincere questions, you now are the ENEMY!!! Boy if thats not a sign of brotherly love, I don't know what is!! Ha HaHa
I knew that certain elders told their wives confidential things.
I talked to 2 elders about the blabbermouth elder on the body and told them it didn't matter that they didn't tell their wives if he told his....she spread things all over the congregation and didn't bother to get the facts straight.
I said I would rather they get up on the platform and tell everyone officially than have her version spread around.
Confidentiality....is an illusion on BOEs. The only time they can keep a secret is when it concerns them or a family member's sins that might get them removed as an elder.
There is no answer to the 607-1914 connection that date was just one of many that the adventists came up with by interpreting the Bible in a very loose and abitrary way, during a time of great end of the world hysteria, and Russell got that date from them. It is not even an original JW date. They are just cashing in on that hysteria that started 200 years ago with Miller.
As for them not having love that has been observed by many as a striking fact. But what can we expect from a religion that is really a business? -
Confidentiality....is an illusion on BOEs. The only time they can keep a secret is when it concerns them or a family member's sins that might get them removed as an elder.
That was our experience for 21 years!!
been waiting for over 5 weeks for a reply back from the elders as to the date discrepancy of 607 (between the Watchtower references and the Appendix.
I'm embarressed to say but I have no idea what ya'll are referring to. A link would be helpful. Sheesh! Its so hard to keep up with the minds of you fellow apostates! You guys know so much!