Anyone heard anything about how Orangefatcats getting on?
by Dr Jekyll 14 Replies latest jw friends
Last I heard, KLS said she had made it home from the hospital. But I haven't heard anything since then.
Yes, good news: it's NOT a brain tumor!!
kls said: For all the board asking about OFC. OFC recieved goodnews from a Doc that she does NOT have a braintumor but found it was only an adnormality in her skull. Hopefully OFC will be posting and tell everyone all about it. Thats all i know folks.
Here is the link.....kls posted this on page 8:
Dr Jekyll
OFC recieved goodnews from a Doc that she does NOT have a braintumor but found it was only an adnormality in her skull.
Thanks Mary - great news!
Hey Doc, I've been meaning to ask. What are your qualifications lol
Dr Jekyll
Yeah great news for Orangefatcat, she must be REALLY relieved, Phew!
Uncle yer nosey bastard! I have a Victorian Certificate of Education ( HSC ) specialist subjects, Doctors and Nurses and woodwork, so if you know any
dirtynurses that need seeing to, I'm's yer man ! -
Imagine how much anguish ppl suffer in such cases of false diagnosis, that is quite cruel though I am sure not intentional. Now Orangfatcat must surely be very relieved after the good news.
Wow, that's bloody great news! although it'd have been better if OFC hadn't been put through the trauma of all this for no reason...
I hope OFC doesn't mind me making a bit of fun at this, but perhaps the abnormality in the skull was from that crazy hair you've been wearing these few years past lol...maybe now OFC will agree to come the hair back down ;)
I'm really really thrilled & relieved for out beloved OFC. xxxoooxxx frog
So glad to hear the good news!