MY husband and I have not been to meetings for several years now. We have finally had our first child after 13 years of marriage. He is now 5 months old. My sister in law has started sending us letters about going back to the Org. and saving our babies life. I have photocopied the last letter she sent us from a few weeks ago and posted it with this message. I hope it comes through. When we recieved this letter that told us that we were commiting PRE-ARMAGEDON GHEHENA SUICIDE ! I put in in an envelope and sent it right back to her hoping she would get the point. I guess she did'nt. Yesterday we got another letter from her with photo copies of the book Organized to do Jehovahs Will. Pages 150/151, 155 ,156 & 157 She asked for us to please read these pages and decide if we cosidered ourselves either Marked ,Inactive or Dissassociated.She even took the time to cut out and make two cards for us that say
I,_______________________(print name)
belive that I am:
Signatue_____________________________ date:______________
She then asks that we return these cards to her in the pre-addressed and stamped envelopes she provided and that she would then pass them on to the elders.
Now forgive me ,but what the!!!!!!? Isn't that something that if we wanted to do would be between us and the elders of OUR congregation? not hers? and is it any of her business what we consider ourselves? What we consider ourselves as is Good people who have decided not to raise their child in the org. but to raise him to be kind and accepting of all people and not to judge them based on their religous choice. Even if they choose to be a Witness. MY child WILL NOT BE BRAINWASHED. So , what should we do? contact her elders and tell them what she is doing ? Try to talk to her? (not that she would listen). I really don't know. Does anyone have any advice????? Me personally ? I'm thinking restraining order.