Wow! Thank you. Would you believe this??? They almost delayed it! They lost my liver function tests. I had my blood work done at 9:30 am and then noticed Teryn's eye had another sty, so we ended up at 2 different doctor's offices and we finally got meds. I had to drive back to Corona to have someone watch Teryn and then I went back to the hospital only to find out my blood work didn't come in. It got sent out!!!!
So, they treated me with Herceptin and still no sign of my blood. Finally, I asked if I could go up to the lab or could my nurse draw me and test it. So, they gave me my pre-meds (steriods, hence need for liver function test) anyway and did my blood again. I got my Taxol!!! Finally done with it at 6:30 pm and got home around 8pm.
I am tired ..... aren't you guys tired of hearing that?? But unlike others on Taxol, I have not had too many bad side effects and am happy to just be tired and get the achy bones.
Thank you so much for all your positive thoughts and prayers, it really helps to know that others are thinking of you, caring about you. No matter how frustrated I was yesterday, I was really calm and positive and excited!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!