Dear KW13,
I am so.. happy that you have the opportunity to actually GO the British Musuem!! We too,are in the same boat with some of our family! We are firmly sticking to the 607 issue! They cannot explain it! My sister-in-law said to me after I told her of what we discovered regarding this discrepancy, " Well did you actually go to the British Museum?? Did you actually talk with the professors there?? Did you actually take the books off of the shelves and read them?? How do you know the British Museums website is legitimate?? How do you know its not a apostate site??" PLEASE!!!!! Anyhow, thank you for posting their reply to your letter! I think I will write them and then I will have not only a letter of proof, but a address and postmarked envelope as proof as well! However, I am sure she will find a way to discredit that as too! She will probably tell me that a ex-wittness/apostate works there and is misleading everyone!! Ha Ha
Please keep us informed as to how it goes with your mum and what you find at the museum!!