Something that's really been eating at me latley is how during my growing up in the orginazation and now my childrens growing up in it, nothing has been done on an organizational level to benifit the Children. Why has there never been any organizational focus on the need for congregations to sponsor activities for young people. Many churches and Church groups have extensive Ministrys to reach young people. Why not Jehovah's Witnesses? I keep hearing about how concearned they are about young people, but still nothing outside of a few books has ever been done. Does this bother anyone else?? Seek2find
What about the Children?
by seek2find 14 Replies latest jw friends
It did when I was a JW. I arranged most things for kids. Now I'm out, I count it a blessing. There's less to hold them in.
alamb: "What do you mean there's less to hold them in?" I don't quite understand.
Lady Lee
According to the WTS children are misbehaing, sinful miniature adults that need to be disciplined, have their spirit broken and betaught the teachings of the WTS. The ONLY activity that is woerthwhile (according to the WTS) is teaching them how to preach and peddle WT litterature.
I used to arrange all kinds of activities for the kids in the cong. Eventually we were told to stop and take the kids out in service instead.
I was glad to leave the jehovah(hitler) youth.Their treatment of children is the number one reason for me leaving.The lies were the second reason.
Lady Lee: I think you are right. Field service is suppose to be the answer to everything. Is there any problem that its not suppose to fix? (GRIN)
I suppose those who were abused during childhood are just suppose to go in service more. Maybe service would be easier if the real good news were being preached. That is, that Jesus is the "Way the truth and the life" John 14:6 Please pardon me if I seem cynical or angry, I guess I just need to vent.
seek2find -
While I was a witness for 29 years it really was sad but children were not to act like children. Few opportunities for children to have fun unless parents made arrangements. My boys were bored to death because there was rarely any children's parties or anything. Sadly we didn't have the money to have any parties, because my husband only worked menial jobs and made very little money. Same with me so money was always a problem.Is it any wonder that compared to other Christian religions that JW's religion is literally hemmoraging the young people eager to get away from it. The Elders are down right cruel to the teenagers. They did everything they could to destroy my oldest son's good feelings for the congregation. My middle son was very compliant and he fared better till he died because of needing a blood transfusion. Then there was my youngest son who was learning to think for himself and the Elders tried to hamstring him till he said enough. Thankfully both my surviving two sons are out of the JW's, it is a terribly boring way to grow up. I know all you young folks agree.
Balsam, So sorry to hear of the pain your family has been through. I hope your 2 surviving boys are doing well and still have maintained a beleif in God, despite what they have been though. seek2find
Good thread.
According to the WTS children are misbehaing, sinful miniature adults that need to be disciplined, have their spirit broken and betaught the teachings of the WTS. The ONLY activity that is woerthwhile (according to the WTS) is teaching them how to preach and peddle WT litterature.
What she said.
This is taken to extremes. Your two year old may not color at the meetings, even if it's a picture of Jesus or a lion in paradise. Your two year old may only page through "My Book of Bible Stories." When you child is four, he or she will be expected to 'count' how many times they hear Jehovah or Jesus at the meetings.
Even a baby in arms is expected to dress the part of a young adult. When I used to let my little one go in her Hanna Anderssons leggings and tights in the cold New York winters, I got stares and smirks.
I'm so glad my children are not being raised in that hypocrisy. None of that matters in the real world, but to the JW it is taken to the nth degree.
I guess the kids just get the short end of the stick all the way around, if they are not being abused physicaly or sexualy, they are being chastised, isolated and alienated. seek2find