When I was a good JW kid, around the ages of 3 and 5, I was attacked in my sleep by demons almost every night. So was my 5 year old brother who slept in the same room. Now my parents, also good JW's, tried valiantly to protect us from these demon attacks. Every night, when they said our prayers with us, they prayed out loud for Jehovah to protect us from the demons while we slept. They taught us to say Jehovah's name out loud if we were ever attacked by the demons. They gave us each a Bible to sleep with under our pillows. (only the NWT would do, of course) . Strangely, none of these talismen used to work. Every night, my brother and I woke up screaming from nightmares that the demons were attacking us. We would crawl into the same bed and hug each other for comfort. We finally concluded that the house we were living in was haunted and we moved.
Now the really strange twist to the story is, now that I am an apostate, the demons never bother me. Not a peep. Nada! So, I say, screw the Bible under the pillow and saying Jehovah's name out loud! The thing that really works and gets out demon shit is apostate TIDEings! But if they are really entrenched, you may have to presoak your brain on JWD for a few extra days.