Remember all the talks from the platform that dealt with gossip or mumuring??
In my old just one couple who was close to another couple and had been spending lots of quality time together decided to expand their horizons and partner swap !!! One spouse in each couple was an elder's kid !!! The ministerial servant's son was found to be dealing other kids in the hall. One servant was having an affair with his sister-in-law. A pioneer was caught, by the FBI no less, for committing identity theft by using the identities of others in the congregation to get credit cards and cell phones, and was using the Kingdom Halls address to receive her mail and the elder she was having an affair with was retrieving the mail for her..... do you guys want me to go on....because I have some other doozies !!!!
Now.....we were told.....NO GOSSIPING, NO MURMURING!! I realize why now..... if everyone in the hall knew what was going on...realized how corrupt and horny the elders really are wouldn't they start to lose the control over everyone's mindset that as Jehovah's people we are set apart from all the filthy practices that are out there in the world? Last estimates were...40,000 a year disfellowshipped on grounds of sexual immorality....hmmmmm. Do Kingdom Halls breed these repressed desires only for them to become the epitome of what we were supposed to condemn? I dare say yes. And my favorite part...we were all supposed to be like the gestapo and turn in people, becoming a policing agency to put our fellow brothers and sisters before the firing squad of the judicial committees. Out of paranoia it seems everyone wants to get everyone else caught to keep the eyes off of their own wrongdoing. Hey...they should give you 3 extra field service hours on your time card for every successful capture of an inappropriate blow job between pioneers. Now I know why they took so many coffee breaks!! Wow... the light does get brighter every year doesn't it?? LOL.
Your thoughts..... and I would LOVE to hear other stories of your own experiences of our spirit appointed leaders' angelic behavior. Remember, they were are shining examples.