Tell your sister that you're being an even worse mother by going to Vegas, and you'll bring t-shirts and cheap shrimp cocktails.
VEGAS BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by whyamihere 15 Replies latest jw friends
Have lots of fun Brooke! I went to Vegas with my husband and we had a blast! I can't wait to see all of the pics.
Be Safe!
wooooo hooooo!!! My wife and i got married there at the little white chapel in the drive thru. Have fun!
Be sure to go through the Venetian, Paris, and Bellagio.... beautiful places.
Remember.... what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas..... unless, of course, you're a JW and the "sister" sitting next to you in the "all male" strip club rats you out!
You better bring me back something really good Brookiepooh. Yeah...something REALLY GOOD!!
Love, mumsy