May you have peace!
I would like to respond; however, I truly do not wish to "exhaust" you! Therefore (and please know that I say this in the kindest, most submissive "tone" that a human can use without appearing insincere), if you feel that you need to, just close the thread and move on. Truly, I will not be offended. There would be no benefit in it. But, if you can accommodate me further then, please, read on.
First, I want to say that I understand that you are, perhaps, a man... of little words. I also understand that that is a commendable and honorable position, particularly in contrast to someone like me - a woman (oohhhhhhh, that explains it!), whose heart is full and out of which she speaks (uh-oh, there *she* goes again!). At the risk of offending some here, I will say that perhaps it is the fact that I am a woman that my Lord revealed himself to me: according to some, we tend to be a little less… ummm… cynical, skeptical… and little more willing to entertain the… ummmmm… "unexplainable," receive that which may have originated from "the beyond." I dunno. There are some who believe we are a bit more "spiritual." I am not particularly advocating that belief, please understand, because I know for a fact a great many women claim to possess some "gift," some "psychic" ability, which they use to mislead and extort. Indeed, most in that industry are women. So, n ot advocating, but simply musing about it. So, please do not take my pseudo-generalization any more seriously than you should.
What I am trying to share with you, however, dear James, is not much different that what you are sharing with me. But I am truthful when I say that one of reasons you're having the difficulty you are, is because you are not being honest. Again, you know it and I know it. You wanted to "silence" me with your wisdom and, unfortunately, that did not occur. But I do not question your wisdom nor the "beauty" of your words and thoughts; indeed, I would be the FIRST to say that you are much, MUCH wiser than I am and a more "beautiful" thinker. I am a FOOLISH thing, as I have confessed openly, honestly, without shame.
I am not special, dear one, and I don't seek particular attention (actually, if you knew me, you'd know that truth, too!) have no special powers, I am no more extraordinary than the next person, but in fact, less so. I have, however, received a couple of gifts, one of which permits me to see and hear that which is not of this world - not physical… but spiritual. And I cannot attempt to deceive you or anyone else here deny from whom it is that I received it.
When you say:
NO LIMIT, means it can not be defined or circumscribed
My response is that I have learned that thast which has no limit CAN, in fact, be defined. By our tiny little physical minds? No. And it was not my mind that defined it (Him). Rather, i t was He who revealed... and defined Himself... to me, through Christ. I cannot lie to you, dear James!
INFINITY would be as close a title as we could get
Inifinity… is a man's word, created by man to "define" that which physical mind cannot define.
but the mind can not comprehend infinity
The physical mind, no. But the SPIRITUAL mind… what it can comprehend is beyond the understanding of the physical mind. I t, too, has no limits, which is why my Lord is recorded to have said: "I have many things to tell you… but you are not able to bear them… yet."
So there is no way it can manipulate it. Here, we are in total agreement;
Wonderful! But because we are not in TOTAL agreement… we are no longer friends? And you say I am still enslaved to former teachings and ways?????
and then, you go off and contradict your own words and get lost in a drama you have created in your mind: "Can it be defined? Indeed, it can. In fact, it has a name, as does every living breathing thing. "
There you go again, limiting what you earlier said has no limit down to a "THING" (a male thing at that) which you can DEFINE and NAME.
Defining something is not limiting it, dear James. I know you can't wrap your mind around that, but it is try. The Source of Life… is a being; I cannot lie to you and I won't "tickle" your ears. (With regard to your concern that I used a "male" thing, I have to say that you are limiting yourself… by your understanding of words such as "male," "female," "he," "she." W e have not even gotten into that discussion, which is for another time. But I will give you two things to ponder for that time: when it says "in God's image He created him; male and female He created them," where did the "female" image come from? And, in certain languages (i.e., Hispanic, etc.), Satan is referred in the female tense: Satanas.
Why do you do that?
There is an unlimited Source… and He is a being. A living, breathing Being. Does He live and breath as we do? No. Because He is not a PHYSICAL being, not a "terrestrial" being.
Why create a big mental drama around what is unknowable by the limited carnal mind?
didn't create anything. He came to me. He is not unknowable and He did not reveal Himself to my carnal mind. The carnal mind cannot perceive Him, dear one. That is the message I have been trying to share with you all along. He is indefinable, indescribable, unknowable and nameless to you… because you are limited… by your carnal mind! But you don't have to BE. You can be set FREE from that limitation… so as to see and hear and come to know that which YOU still believe is unknowable.
Why continually mold and engrave such limited imagery in your mind?
Why continually allow your mind to limit you?
Why not just admit that "the life which has no limit" is the Life that gives life to all life; the Existence which give existence to all things
I readily admit that truth!
and admit that since it has no limit it is the foundation Reality and Truth of everyone and everything
And I readily admit this, as well! But I ask you, why is it that cannot profess WHO that Life, Existence, Foundation, Reality and Truth is? Because you are LIMITED. Because your carnal mind does not KNOW Him. But I am not limited by my mind, dear one. Such that I know Him. See Him. Hear Him. And I confess that to you, openly, honestly, forthrightly.
Is it because you would no longer feel special?
(Scratching head) "Special?" You really do not get it, do you? I don't have a problem taking a "lower" seat, dear James. For the very reason that I am NOT special, but a servant. That's why I keep sharing what I do. But I don't do so out of some sense of specialness about myself (sigh!), but out of gratitude… and love. Someone shared these things with me… freely. In turn, I share them… freely. Why? Because it is what I would want someone to do for me… whether I heard or refrained. Hopefully, I wouldn't refrain too long.
No longer be able to announce yourself as a distinguished slave?
What, now I'm supposed to be offended, say something like, "Oooohhh... low blow!?" Sigh! I am what I am, dear James. I don't know about "distinquished" (where did that come from? what slave/servant is distinguished?!), but I am curious: why does my confession of that truth bother you so? Am I preventing you from serving? Am I preventing you from believing what you do? No. Have I condemned you for it? Nope. If you choose to be a master and I a servant, what of it?
It can be difficult, yet beautiful to really know that you are no more or less divine than the horse you are grooming or the grass he is eating.
It is not difficult, if one is willing to accept the TRUTH. Not only am I no more or less divine that a mute beast, I can also be a servant to that beast, for it, too, belongs to God. I do not believe that "dominion" over animals means "superiority" over them. I believe it means the same as it did for man and woman: such beasts were entrusted into our care… and any time we abuse that trust, we sin against God, the One to whom they belong.There is an unspeakable unifying wholeness in that knowing that leaves you wanting of nothing.
For some, perhaps. Some whose carnal mind is "complete," with that which is also carnal. For those whose minds are open to that which is spirit, that which is carnal can never be enough. They will keep searching… until they find what they are seeking: the Truth.
When you go off on your tangent of reductionism and defining, you sound like every other religious fanatic with their tiny little gods which we must bow to and obey or pay the price of punishment.
That is your perception. You have read, what, maybe 15-20 minutes of dialogue and have come to that conclusion. You do so because you assume I worship the "god" of religion. Nothing could be further from the Truth. I ask you, when is my Lord recorded to have asked anyone to bow down to him? Indeed, did he not bow down before others and wash their feet? Did he not make himself their servant? What punishment did he proclaim? Show me, please!
Why go there? Why pock a stick into peoples wounds?
Oh, Lordy, James! You have it backward! The purpose is not to poke sticks and cause harm… it is to share the means for HEALING! I did not create the wounds, nor did my Heavenly Father… as many would like to believe! And why? Well, because it's easier, isn't it? RELIGION created the wounds; RELIGION is responsible for the wounds; RELIGION pokes sticks in the wounds, promising healing that they cannot deliver! You read what I am granted to write and because of your WOUNDS… you refuse to receive it. Okay, that's your choice.
But you are allowing YOUR pain… to not only cloud your mind, but to close it. You will not allow yourself to accept that there is anything other than what you believe because what you believe has kept you "safe," all these years. "It" cannot "hurt" you…. because there is no "it." So, "it" cannot neither touch nor be touched. Again, I am SORRY that religion hurt you. It should be damned and will be.
I totally agree with you that the Truth of Life, has no limit;
and I would go on to say that the only thing which blinds us and numbs us to the unifying Wholeness and unlimited Presence
And I would disagree and say that the only thing that blinds us and numbs us to Him…. is the mind. The mind draws toward that which is pleasant, and repels that which is unpleasant. Religion… was unpleasant. And religion… in YOUR mind… represents God. And therefore, God… is unpleasant. But because you can only "see" God through religion… and that vision is "ugly," you have closed your mind… and, unfortunately, your heart… altogether. Not everyone has, however, and if I can help them "see" that in doing so they are stopping JUST SHORT of what really is true… then my work is not in vain. Even if it turns out to be in vain, however, I would still have spent my life productively: I tried.
James, may I ask you: why do you capitalize "Wholeness" and "Presence"? How about "Reality" and "Truth," and "Truth of Life"?
is the minds continual story telling about how we are a separate little thing
It is only the carnal mind that teaches… and believes… such a thing. The spiritual mind knows that we are, in fact, branches… in a tree. When the spirit mind is limited, however, by the carnal mind… it cannot fathom this truth… or live according to it. Thus, we have world filled with hate…. because mankind has allowed his CARNAL mind… to SEPARATE itself from Him. When we are one with God…. we exist in love. We ARE love. When we hate, we separate ourselves from Him… and cannot love.
or that our Source is too tiny to be our reality right here, right now. Such mental stories are simply fiction.
Our Source… is not tiny, dear James. And He is real. right here, right now. And it is calling that which is true "mental stories," and perceiving them as such… that limits US… from accepting that reality. Right here… right now. "Look! I am WITH you…"
May the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, the Most Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whose name is JAH… of Armies… and the love and peace of His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, be upon you… if you so wish it. I remain…
Your servant and a slave of Christ,