...Meg Ryan was even more shite than usual...x
A woman who doesn't like Meg Ryan?? Will you marry me?
by greendawn 56 Replies latest jw friends
...Meg Ryan was even more shite than usual...x
A woman who doesn't like Meg Ryan?? Will you marry me?
A woman who doesn't like Meg Ryan
I thought all men liked Meg Ryan? It's a woman thing too?
Yeah, Meg Ryan. She never did anything for me. Isn't she married to Antonio Bandana?
The worst film I've seen for some time was BIRTH with Nicole Kidman
I watched this craptacular spectacle last night. I'm with Clam, Dimples and Swan.....it was ridiculously lousy. What was up with that 10 minutes closeup of her at the opera. I kept thinking is my DVR stuck or something. Blech!
Antonio Banderas is married to Melanie Griffith.
Wow, I have hardly anything in common with any of you with regards to taste in films..
Maybe some of you just haven't seen any really, really crappy movies, so that your "worst films" look like merely mediocre ones to me. *shrug*
I know it one many awards but i thought Brokeback Mountain was one of the most boring films i have ever seen.....i wanted to walk out of the cinema