I don't think I've ever posted here, in ten years of being out of the religion. Well, I won't be able to say THAT again. Anyway, Elsewhere and I just "met" online today, even though we've actually been cousins for a few decades. Most of our relatives, for as far as the eye can see, are still JWs. Score!! Roxi
Hi! I'm Elsewhere's cousin!
by Roxi 69 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Roxi. Welcome to the board. Glad to have you here! You're cousin is a great guy.
Hey Roxi!! Welcome to the board!
Elsewhere is quite a character. I hope you enjoy your stay.
Like you, I've been out for a long time. Sometimes I wonder what the heck I'm still doing here on this forum. I guess it just feels good to talk to people who went through a lot of the same stuff.
Hi Roxi, and welcome to the board
Welcome aboard, Roxi!
Does this mean Else will have to behave himself now?
Does this mean Else will have to behave himself now?
Yeah, good luck on that one Uncle Oz. I have a feeling Roxi might have some dirt she could share with us, right Roxi???
Watch out Elsewhere your cousin is going to start keeping you in line!
Welcome Roxi! I hope you like it here...
Thanks! And, I'm looking forward to getting better acquainted with him. He has some good genes ...
Hi Roxi -
Welcome to JWD.
Elsewhere has a small following of his own here...
I know. I hang out on a very quiet board that's been around awhile; I guess I stay for the friends.