Sense of urgency-----------WTS is worried because
1. Fewer people are coming to the meetings--in this area 60 to 65% attending
2. Fewer people attending--fewer people to donate
3. Fewer people going out in d2d
4. More people getting education past high school
5. More people buying/building homes
6. Fewer people pioneering
7. Fewer people showing up for meetings of field service during CO visit
8. Fewer people have bible studies to take CO on
9. Add your own
Yes, older JWs are wondering what happened to the generation of 1914.
Older elders are being removed...not goosestepping high enough I guesss.
The COs have a good vantage point to see how things are slowing down...they visit 20 congregations, twice a year for 3 years, then move on to another region. They have to write it down and send it in, making it hard to do the ostrich maneuver.