Does she have to ride a red, seven (or know, I really can't remember this stuff any more lol), headed lion thing?
Not ONE JW superhero!!!
by Bumble Bee 34 Replies latest jw friends
Dr Jekyll
Don't know about the lion thing but she definitly rides something to get that name !
::snort:: And we know what Super Dub's secret wish is in that regard, don't we?
Do I have to work today? UGH...this place is in total confustion.
lets not forget Super Dubs side kick Sister Tights!
Dr Jekyll
Oh if sister Tights is Hanging around along they'll need Super Chaperon to tag along too just incase Sister Tights leads Superdub astray
Sister Tights is a nasty bit of work, she bores people to death by reading to them the book of numbers