I really loved the novelty values of froliking through a light dusting of snow in my pj's last winter in Hobart :)...it hadn't snowed in the city in something like 20years prior to that.
Didn't so much enjoy living through a couple of London winters though, everything iced over, that eventually turns into a thick brown mush ewweee...
I also love listening to pelting rain as it poors down on a tin roof, reminds me of North Queensland summers where I grew up...sometimes I sit under the shower with my showercap on to re-produce a like-effect!...don't laugh, it's very comforting ;) hehe.
I also love a nice mild breeze on a still night that makes you feel as though you're sitting on a Thai Beach drinking pinacalada's (sp??).
I also love the smell of freshly cut grass a couple of days after the rain has caused it to shoot up in spring, it fills the air with the smell of green :)
Don't so much like tropical cyclones/hurricanes though, they're not much fun at all...x